the more the merrier

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I walked home with Amy and Ethan after school. We weren't in many classes together, considering that our school is huge. I hate when I don't have classes with them, because then I actually have to do work. I had Algebra 2 with Amy, and I had Study Hall and English with Ethan. And of course, we had lunch together.

"Today was so annoying", Amy complained. "Guess who just happens to be in most of my classes?"

I don't even guess, every little thing pisses Amy off. She hates most people, which is understandable. "Suzy?", Ethan guessed. Amy shakes her head. "Emily?"

"No, even worse", she said. She took a dramatic pause, "Katie!", She exclaims.

Katie is the most popular girl in the school. She has long blonde hair and light blue eyes. She has a perfect body, and she's gorgeous. She makes everyone else feel insecure just looking at her. She fits the popular girl stereotype perfectly, except she's actually really nice.

"Did she do anything to you?", I ask. Amy is really dramatic. I don't like her either, but I can just tune people out or ignore them if I don't like them.

"No, but I can't even be in the same room as her. Just her presence irks me," she scoffs.

"Wow, using big words, Amy?", Ethan teased. Amy gives him a death glare, and his playful expression instantly disappears.

"You make me out to be an idiot, or something. I actually, have a 3.7 GPA." Amy boasted.

"Great for you, Amy," I roll my eyes at her. Every time we get into an argument or we tease her or something, she always brings up her grades. The conversation never had anything to do with grades, but she loves to brag about them any chance she gets.

"You guys want to come over? We can play just dance." Ethan asks, already knowing the answer. Most of the times when we hang out, we're at Ethan's house playing Just Dance.

"Yes! I haven't played all summer." I smile widely at the thought of hanging out with them again. Vacation was fun and all, but I really missed my best friends.

We changed our route slightly and we were on our way to Ethan's house. It's only like 5 blocks away from my house, so it's not that long of a walk.

We make it to Ethan's house quickly. He opens the door, and we enter to see his mom cooking dinner.

"Hi, Mrs. Stewart. Nice to see you," I greet her. She looks my way, shocked to see me.

"Nicole! Wow, I haven't seen you in so long. How was Hawaii?" She asks, as she comes over to give me a hug.

"It was great, really relaxing," She looks at me with a genuine smile. That's one thing I love about her, I feel like she actually cares about how I'm doing. Not many adults are like that.

"That's so good to hear, dear. Ethan missed you a lot." She said with a grin. Ethan looks at her, shooting her an annoyed glance.

"Bye mom!" Ethan groaned. He grabbed Amy's and my arm and pulled us to his basement door. Ethan's basement is really nice for a basement. There's an area with an "L" shaped sofa, a wooden coffee table, and a flatscreen tv against one wall. There's also another room with two big bookshelves and 4 beanbag chairs. Then, there's a small bathroom right under the stairs.

"I missed this place so much!" I throw myself into the sofa with a sigh. "Turn on the wii!"

Ethan turned on the tv, and set up the game. Amy hands me a remote, and I tighten the band around my wrist.


Today, I'm the first out of my friends to get to lunch. I spot our table in the back, empty like usual. I head my way over there, and throw my backpack on the seat next to me.

   "Hey! Nicole!" I turn my head to see Ellie waving to me at the front of the lunchroom. I motion for her to come over to our table, and she starts walking over.

   "Glad you found the lunchroom," I smirked as I remember our conversation in history yesterday.

   "Me too. This school is huge," she sat next to me and threw her backpack on the other side of her seat.

   Amy and Ethan get to the table and sit across from us. "Guys, this is Ellie. She's new here."

   "I'm Amy." She says with a smile, one she gets right back from Ellie.

   "Ethan," he says with a grin. "Nice to meet you."

   "Uh, thanks for letting me sit here. I don't know anybody else," she replied, her eyes caring.

   "The more the merrier," Amy replied, sweetly.

   "So what do you think of the school so far?" Ethan asked Ellie.

   "It's alright. Really big. I was late to almost every class yesterday, because I kept getting lost." Ellie looked at me. "Nicole helped me get to first period so at least I was on time for one class."

   "Wow, Nicole is so helpful. She's such a great friend."' Amy said, exaggerating as much as she could.

   Ellie let out a giggle. "Yeah, she's pretty cool."

   I'm really happy that they're getting along. And that I made a friend, because I'm not very good at that. Amy and Ethan have been my only friends since sixth grade, so it's nice to have someone else too.

   "No way! You've never played Just Dance before?" I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as the words left Ethan's mouth.

   "You've never played Just Dance, Ellie? For real? Not even once?" I ask, completely shocked, because I thought every kid has.

   "No, never. It sounds like fun though." She said with a sweet smile.

   "Oh my gosh. You have to come to my house one day and play it with us. It's gonna change your life." Ethan says excitedly.

   "Yeah, that sounds awesome. I'd love to." Her eyes light up, as a smile grows on her face.


   okay, so I'm gonna for his thing where I tell you guys how many words each chapter is. So, this one had 1,013 words, not including this authors note thingy.

   My goal for every chapter is at least 1,000 words. The first chapter was around 1,700 words, and the second one was 672 words, I know I didn't make my goal, but every other chapter will hopefully be at least 1,000 words.

   okay, thanks for reading guys!! 🥰🌈

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