Chapter one: American Girl

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I will address the originally mentioned 'him', but not yet. For that to make sense you must read this chapter. There's no promise that you will hear about him soon because he doesn't come in for another two months. If it's okay with you, I'm going to proceed forward.

  I was born in America, to be specific Aurora, Colorado. I had two married parents and an older sister, Katherine Rodgers. My dad was in the military and my mother was a nurse in a hospital. For a large portion of my life my dad was deployed over seas, including the first two years of my life. My dad left six months after I was born and came back when I was two. Of course, two year old me was dumbfounded when some random man came to live in my house.

  Right before my eighth birthday he left again and came back when I was ten, I really wish he hadn't. I know what you're thinking, as appalling as that is it's true. I really wish he had never come back.

For the first few years we were the picture perfect, all American family. It continued to seem that way until I turned 13. It continued to seem that way until I turned 13. Until I turned 13.

This is when we all realized who he really was. I never counted on him to do anything, mostly because he would never come home after 'going to work' and then would lie about it. Most nights he was really at a bar with another woman. Other nights, I am still clueless about where he was.

Whenever questioned about why he was never home he flipped it on us, we were constantly blamed for him not coming home, we were constantly blamed for his drinking, we were constantly blamed for every little inconvenience in his life. We were the inconveniences in his life. The one person to want to keep our family together was my mother.

Also, the year I turned 13 is when my mother was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. This is when the situation got grim. My dad would leave my sister and I home alone for days at a time. Sometimes we took a bus to see my mom in the hospital. He was never present for his family.

Skip forward about a year, my mother beat cancer, my dad got a new job and so did my mom. My mom worked at an elementary school as a nurse and my dad was an engineer. Our life was pretty regular for three months; then was once again torn apart by my father's inconveniences.

The fighting went on for a month and I heard everything. I heard every profanity thrown, every lamp knocked over, and every door slam. One day he left, he never said anything to me, he was just gone and I had no idea why. I had thought he would be back in a week, but this time he never came back.

I just wanted answers, I searched around for anything. As of now I know everything, if you do not yet despise my father then this might put you over the edge; that's what it did to me. My father cheated on my mom with a women who he met at a the bar. To make the rest of the story  short, my parents are getting a divorce.

I wish I did care about him much anymore, but I do. I wish I could hate him with all of my heart, but I can't. He still never shows up from me and his apartment he just moved into is across the street to a bar. He's still with his girlfriend that's harassing my mother.

A quick side story, the woman my dad is cheating on my mom with broke into our house and took down our family photo. I wasn't home for a week, I'm terrified for my life. Another time, he took his girlfriend to a concert that I wanted to go see. I was named after one of their songs. That bastard knew I wanted to go but still clamed, 'he had no one else to take'. My mother then told him I cried about it and he decided to take me out of state, to Iowa, to see them perform.  More than likely, he will flake on me.

There is a ton more I could tell you but that, alone in it's self, is heavy. I suggest we move on, we can revisit this topic in another chapter.

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