Chapter One: Leaving

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Darkness. That's all i've felt for years. I didn't notice at first how dark my mind was. At a young age it didn't bother me, i didn't notice. The older i got the darker everything became. The less i smiled. The less i laughed. I don't remember the last time i was truly happy. For years i've been putting up a front, acting like my life was perfect. But i don't think i can pull it off any longer. I start college tomorrow. Someone might notice. Someone might see behind the mask. But i'm leaving. I've been dying to leave this place i used to call home; waiting for a way out. I've finally got it.

Chapter one

I stood in front of my floor-length mirror, looking at my reflection. The girl that stood there was not me. Not anymore. She had plasters on her arms, faint white lines up her arms and legs. She had dark circles under her eyes. Her hair had become slightly knotted from neglection. I sighed at the sight before me and began pulling clothes out of my wardrobe. After an hour of throwing clothes, i decided on an outfit. A plain black hoodie, blue jeans and my Docs. Cautiously, i moved to the other side of my room to search for my bag. After pulling it out from behind a pile of books i began to pack. A few hours later i was done. I was leaving. I walked back over to my mirror and looked at my reflection again. This time a girl with black hair in neat plaits looked back. She had no bags, no scars, no knots. she looked happy, peaceful. I smiled weakly and turned to grab my headphones. I took one last look at my childhood bedroom before i left forever. I tried not to look at the ceiling fan, vivid memories flooding back. I tried not to look at the bathroom door, or my brothers room. Good and bad memories alike plaguing my mind. Sighing and wiping silent tears from my face, i descended the stairs. My parents stood at the bottom, beaming up at me. As of on cue a honking noise sounded from outside. I smiled. They were here. I hugged both my parents reluctantly and dragged my suitcases out of that house and towards the car parked outside. I was out. I was free.

Before HimTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang