Chapter 3: Moving in

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Chapter 3: Moving in

As we made our way up the dingy stairs, suitcases somehow being pulled behind us, i collided with something. My vision was hazed and it took me a moment to focus on my surroundings. The object i'd collided with was actually a boy. He looked around my age. Tall, handsome, definitely a dickhead. He had forest green eyes, filled with anger and something else. Dark brown hair, almost black.
His face was swarmed with freckles.
"Watch where your going!" He said in a dangerously low voice.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, looking down embarrassed.
"Hey, don't talk to her like that!" I looked up to see Zoe staring daggers into the boy. He stared back with an equally dangerous look.
"Stay out of it you little whore!" He growled.
Suddenly, Zoe punched him straight in the nose. Those boxing lessons must of paid off. The boy fell to the ground; thick, red blood gushed out of his nose. I turned to face the boy, guilt and anger forming on my face. He stood and walked away, giving Zoe a final death glare. I looked at Zoe, smiling, then realised Ivy had wandered off to our dorm to unpack.
After a glance, both me and Zoe followed after Ivy towards our dorm. My eyes raked the room. It was large, had a walk-in wardrobe for the three of us and a small en-suite. On the far wall there was a window with a beautiful view of the campus. Under the window there was three beds. As if on instinct, i ran and claimed the middle bed under the window.
"Hey how come you get the biggest bed?" I heard Ivy wine.
"Because i'm the youngest, i get the best treatment! Also youngest always gets to pick first!" I say laughing at her as she huffed and claimed the bed on my left.
I began to unpack my things, placing my alarm clock, favourite book and chapstick on my oak wood cabinet. I pull grey and pink fluffy cushions onto my bed, that now has my grey and white Harry Potter bedding on it. I unload the rest of my books and begin organising them on the ridiculously vast bookcase that takes up half the wall, my books filling most of it. I unpack all my clothes and shoes, sorting all my hoodies and long sleeved tops out. Cautiously, i pull out a small, purple glass box. Gently, i place it next to my alarm clock, checking Ivy and Zoe haven't seen it. After a few more hours of sorting stuff out and re-arranging everything, the room is sorted. Ivy's side of the room is blue and white. Her wall has Tvd posters hung everywhere. She has blue and white fluffy pillows littering her bed. She has an Originals book on her bedside cabinet, along with a black alarm clock.
On Zoe's side of the room it's black and red. Her bed has black bedding and an assortment of red fluffy pillows scattered across her bed. Her wall is filled with Gossip girl posters and Chuck Bass images. She has an iPad on her bedside cabinet playing Chuck Bass edits. My part of the room is grey and pink. My bed is grey and white stripped, the Hogwarts crest covering it. Grey and pink fluffy pillows cover the top half of the bed, my grey blanket covering the bottom half. I have one of my many Harry Potter books open on my bedside table, i intend to read it when i wake from nightmares. My wall is all Harry Potter. I have an obsession. Above the posters there are fairy lights, giving off a warm, orange glow. I smile. I couldn't be happier with how my room looks. It beats my old room back 'home'. There are no bad memories here. No things i wish i could forget. None of the things that plague my dreams happened here. This place is a new beginning. Or at least i hope it will be. After Ivy and Zoe have finished moving their things we all get our pjs on for a movie night. We all cram ourselves onto one bed, popcorn overflowing from the bowls we have. We decided to watch Divergent as it's all about going somewhere new and not fitting in. Once the movie finished we cleared up, said our goodnights and went to bed. I slept for about an hour before i awoke. Tears streaming down my face, memories flooding in. I stumbled to find the glass box. Once i found it i opened it, instantly finding what i sought. Silently, i made my way over to the bathroom, tears still flowing down my cheeks. I sighed in relief at the pain. The nightmarish memories fading. I rummaged through the bathroom cabinet until i found the pack of plasters and bandages. After i'd cleaned myself up, i moved back to my bed. I couldn't sleep. I lay awake thinking about what tomorrow would bring, what 'adventures' awaited. Before i knew it, the sun had risen and three sets of alarms had gone off. The new day had begun.

Authors notes:
— thank you so much for reading my story🥰
— i'm going to be posting Chapter 4 tomorrow!
— hope you enjoyed this Chapter💗
if you would like longer chapters please comment and let me know, this chapter was 904 words🥰🥰-liv

Before Himजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें