Chapter Six: The Truth

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Chapter 6: The Truth

"Rose...Rose" Someone whispered in my ear. My eyes fluttered open, the bright light making me instantly shut them. "Ugh, what time is it?" I asked, sitting up slightly. Zoe, who was sat on the edge of my bed, looked at me concerned. "It's about 11:00am" she answered.
"Shit, classes!" I shouted, trying and failing to move, due to the pain that surged my body. Zoe's eyes started to fill with tears. "What happened when you went home Rose?" "I saw you come back in, you looked awful." She croaked at me. My heart started beating rapidly. She saw. My head was spinning. No one was meant to find out. Especially not Zoe or Ivy. Suddenly, i stood. I backed away towards the wardrobe. Tears running over my cheeks. Zoe slowly approached me, her hand coming out to rest on my shoulder. "Rose?" she said as she lifted my hoodie, exposing my bruised stomach. She dropped the baggy material, taking in a sharp, shaky breath. "Rose, who did this?" "Who did this Rose!" She demanded. I reluctantly lifted my head, my chocolate brown eyes meeting her raging green ones. " I...I fell?" It wasn't convincing, i could tell. "Bullshit!" "Rose. Who. Did. This?" She practically screamed, her voice cracking with emotion. I took in a shaky breath. This was it, i had to tell her. I lowered my head, closing my eyes, and barely whispered my reply. "My... my dad." Suddenly her arms were flung around my neck.
"Rose, long has this been happening?" "Why didn't you tell me?" "Why would you go back home?" She questioned, putting me at arms length to examine my face. "I...since I was 8, i couldn't bare telling anyone, and my brother needed me, i couldn't leave him defenceless!" I managed through streams of tears. "I...Rose, you should of told me, i would never of judged you." Zoe sniffed.
"Please don't tell Ivy, I don't want her treating me differently." I begged.
"I won't, I promise." Zoe smiled pitifully.
"Thank you." I whispered, as Zoe brought me into a hug.
My secret was out. How is this going to end.

— thank you so much for reading my story🥰
— i'm going to be posting Chapter 7 tomorrow!
— hope you enjoyed this Chapter💗
if you would like longer chapters please comment and let me know🥰🥰-liv x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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