Chapter 2: College

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Chapter Two: College

My neat plaits danced around my head as i practically ran to the sleek, black car, my suitcases racing behind me. Suddenly two pairs of arms were thrown around me, blonde and brown hair masking my view. I laughed as my two best friends hugged the life out of me. After what seemed like hours, they loosened their death grip on me and stood in front of me. Smiles covered their faces as they examined me.
"we're going to college!!" Ivy practically screamed in my face. "there's going to be so many boys...i can't wait to see the football team!!" She giggled excitedly and zoned out.
I smiled a sad smile at her happy face, wishing i could feel the same way.
"hey, you okay?" I turned to face the brunette.
Zoe's green eyes bore into mine, searching beyond my mask. I shifted uncomfortably and nodded. She smiled at me and turned to Ivy, but i didn't miss the glint of suspicion in her eyes. I began to wonder what would happen if Ivy and Zoe found out about everything. How they'd react. Would they be mad at me for what i did, what i do, or would they be understanding and offer help. Either way i couldn't bring myself to tell them, i couldn't do that. I carried on my train of thoughts, oblivious to the world around me, until i felt a sharp pain in my arm. I winced and turned to see the source of pain. Ivy had grabbed my arm in an attempt to pull me to the car, but in the process grabbed my fresh cuts. Panicked, i looked up and saw the same green eyes full of suspicion staring into what seemed to be my soul. Ivy let go of my arm and apologised for 'grabbing to hard'. I felt bad lying to them, but i couldn't tell them.
"Rose, hurry up and get in the car we need to leave!" Ivy's blue eyes stared at me angrily.
"I mean it Rose, we have to leave now otherwise we're going to miss all the hot boys!" I chuckled at her statement and started towards the car. Once i was inside, i snuggled into my fluffy, grey blanket i brought, and fished my headphones out of my pocket. Zoe started up the engine and Ivy started looking at ' fit boys ' on snapchat. I rolled my eyes at Ivy's behaviour.
"What is your obsession with boys Iv?" I asked mockingly.
"Don't you laugh at me, it's not my fault they're all so gorgeous!" "I mean just look at him, Joseph Morgan is absolutely gorgeous!" She gushed. Laughing, i rolled my eyes again.
"Hmm, i do believe Dylan O'brien is much hotter!" Suddenly, Ivy's eyes went cold and Zoe stifled a laugh.
"HOW DARE YOU COMPARE MY MAN TO HIM!" Her eyes flashed dangerously. Slightly taken a back i looked down.
"Well Dylan is hotter but whatever." I mumbled laughing slightly at Ivy's outburst.
"Maybe for you, but for the rest of the world, it's Joseph!" Ivy started to laugh at my stunned face.
"Well you've both got it wrong because Hero is 100% the hottest man on earth!" Zoe said mater-of-factly.
"OMG YES!!" Me and Ivy screamed in unison.
"Omg his eyes are literally perfect!"
"Ugh his lips!"
"His jaw! Oml it's hot!"
We talked and argued over boys for the whole ride until finally we arrived.

The college was huge. I knew i was going to get lost before i had even entered. We sat in the car in silence for a few minutes, none of us wanting to go in and make it official. Finally we plucked up the courage, gathered our bags, and approached the front desk. We were greeted by a woman with short, dirty blonde hair and glasses.
"Hi guys! If you could give me your names i'll get your timetables and dorm keys!" She said with a warm smile.
"I'm Rose Duffy."
"I'm Ivy Hopwood."
"I'm Zoe Taylor."
The woman began flipping through piles of paper until she produced three, all with keys of there own. "Here you go girls, your in dorm 165, hope you have fun settling in. Your dorm is just down that corridor, on the fourth floor!"
We each took our schedules and keys and began dodging people and bags on our way to our shared dorm. Considering i'd only been here for 10 minutes, i was already hating how happy everyone seemed. No one seemed to be like me. Alone.


— thank you so much for reading my story🥰
— i'm going to be posting Chapters 3&4 together tomorrow!
— hope you enjoyed this Chapter💗
if you would like longer chapters please comment and let me know, i was aiming to make each chapter at least 1000 words! This chapter was 813 words. 🥰🥰-liv

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