Chapter 4: First Day

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Chapter 4: First Day

Panic. That's what i felt. It had dawn on me that i was wearing short sleeves, and i was around people. Normally when i sleep i'm alone. But now my two best friends were in the same room as me, and were bound to notice if i moved. I stayed still in my bed pretending to still be asleep, hoping they wouldn't question it. When they both started to get ready to leave to get breakfast, i sighed in relief. After they'd left i bolted to the wardrobe and grabbed one of my signature hoodies and a pair of black denim shorts, finishing the outfit with my black superstars. Once i was dressed i did my daily face routine and walked plugged my straighteners in. I began to straighten my short, raven hair. After i'd finished, i began working on my mask. Light makeup and a bright smile. Perfect. I moved over to my bed where my small, matte black rucksack sat. I began piling books in. After my bag was packed, i glided over to the floor length mirror and smiled a satisfied smile at the reflection. I walked out of my dorm and headed towards the cute little campus cafe. When i finally arrived i met with Ivy and Zoe and sat at the round table.
"Ugh Rose i swear you have an obsession with those hoodies!" Zoe wined at me.
"Hey, at least i'm wearing a cropped one this time" I laughed, slightly nervous.
"She has a point!" Ivy stated. I smiled at her, glad she had sided with me.
"Anyway enough about my dress choice, i'm going to order." I said over my shoulder as i made my way over to the neat counter.
"Hi, please could i have 2 pancakes with chocolate sauce as the topping?" I smiled at the kind looking boy behind the till.
"Of course! Would you like strawberries as well?" He asked, a warm smile filling his face.
"Ooo yes please!" I gushed. He laughed at response.
"That'll be £4.59." I smiled at him as i handed him the money. "Your order will be sent to your table, have a nice day!"
"Thanks, you too!" I smiled at him as he waved slightly.
I began to make my way back over to my table. Suddenly i hit something. Anger flooded me as i realised what i'd walked into.
"YOU!" I whisper shouted. My eyes narrowed as i saw the same boy from yesterday glaring back.
"You honestly need to watch where your going, it's like your blind!" He growled back.
"I need to watch where i'm going! You've walked into me twice!!" I stated, my anger being slightly calmed when i saw the cut and bruise on the rim of his nose. Zoe sure knows how to throw a punch. As he opened his mouth to talk i pushed past him, not wanting to speak to him any longer.
When i finally made it back to my table my food had already arrived. All the anger was gone once i smelt the sweet smell of the pancakes.
"Omg they smell amazing!" Ivy said, eyes fixed hungrily on my breakfast.
"They do, but hands off they're mine!" I said, eyes flashing with danger.
Ivy got the message and went back to eating her plain fruit salad, Zoe sniggering as she too demolished chocolate covered pancakes.
Suddenly, the bell rang alerting everyone that it was time to be at first class. We all shot up and began making our way to AP biology. Why we were taking this class i don't know, Ivy had suggested it, which startled me slightly. Once we arrived i realised why she wanted to take it. The professor was none other than Jack Martin, Joseph Morgan's younger brother. Giggling i went and sat in one of the few empty seats, once i was seated and had sorted my desk out, i turned to see who was sat on the other of me. Seriously. Him. Again. God this is honestly getting old. I faced forward, trying my hardest to shout at him for clicking his pen every god damn second!
"Rose what's wrong?" I turned to my right and saw Ivy looking at me, concern danced in her blue eyes as they looked at me clenched firsts.
"Nothing, he just keeps clicking his pen, it's really annoying me." I gave her my best smile and went back to listening to Mr.Martins lecture. After about 5 minutes something poked my arm, i turned to see that infuriating boy looking at me in disgust.
"What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?!" He asked, eyes narrowing.
"Don't flatter yourself, i wouldn't waste time stalking you. And for your information, my friend suggested the class."
He looked at me and i couldn't read him at all. Reading people had become one of my talents after becoming un-readable myself. I wondered what he was thinking, and why he had a mask. He seemed to have a good life from what i'd seen. Loads of friends, parties, girls throwing themselves at him. The list went on. But then i realised just how perfect i'd made my life seem, maybe there was something going on in his head. Maybe he was like me...
"Are you done staring?" The voice startled me out of my daydreams, causing me to drop my pen. My hand brushed against another as i reached for my pen. I looked up and was greeted by those dazzling green eyes. Blushing, i looked away. He handed my pen and the bell sounded, signalling lessons were over. Thank God. The boy, whose name was Theo, began to pack his bag. He smiled sideways at me before laughing slightly.
"See you around stalker." He said, turning his back and walking out the door.
"Omg he was gorgeous! You have got to get his number!" Stunned at the display of kindness from Theo, i turned slowly, only to be greeted by Ivy's wide smile and Zoe's silent glare.
"I think he's bad news. Yeah he's fit and popular, but he seems like a right dick." Zoe said, jaw clenched.
"Woah guys, that's the first time i've spoken to him and not argued. Plus i don't even know him, and i'm on Zoe's side, he looks like bad news." Ivy sighed in defeat as we packed up our books and headed to our next class. I had a feeling Biology would be quite an interesting class.

— thank you so much for reading my story🥰
— i'm going to be posting Chapter 5 tomorrow!
— hope you enjoyed this Chapter💗
— the header image was Rose's outfit🥰
if you would like longer chapters please comment and let me know, this chapter was 1131 words🥰🥰-liv

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