Chapter 5: Memories

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Chapter Five: Memories

Classes had finally finished and i was making my way back to my dorm. I didn't have my last class with either Ivy or Zoe so i walking on my own. Beeping sounded the empty corridor, i looked down to see a text on my phone. Frozen, i nearly dropped my phone. No no no. This can't be happening. Please don't let this be happening. I thought leaving would stop this. Panicked, i sprinted desperately to my dorm. I burst through the door, ignoring the concerned questions from Zoe. Out of breath, i searched for my car keys. Shit. It dawned on me that we'd come here in Zoe's car.
"Zoe i need to borrow your car!" I practically screamed at her.
"Woah calm down! Why do you need my car?" She asked, concern flooding her face.
"I just really need to go home!" I shouted, tears filling my eyes. Shit. Shit. I can't cry in front of her. Sighing, i wiped away the tears and focused back on Zoe.
"Please Zo! I need to go home! I'll be back later, but i need to go!" I pleaded.
"Okay okay, here." She handed me the keys to her little black car. Her eyes bore into mine as she handed them to me.
"Are you okay? Has something happened?" Suspicion clearly present in her green eyes as she scanned my face.
"I'm fine, promise! My brother just needs me. Family business." I replied, praying it was convincing.
"Okay we'll see you later, I'll let Ivy know where you've gone!" She called after me as i ran out the room. I stumbled out of the college and over to the car park.  I practically ran towards Zoe's car, nearly tripling multiple times. Once i had finally reached it, i dived in and typed my address into the sat-nave. 1Hour and 46Minutes until arrival. I don't know if my brother will last that long.

2 hours later

Finally, i arrived. I sat in the car for a moment, staring at the house. Not knowing what i would find upon entry, i walked up the gravel path. Opening the door, i took in a sharp breath at the sight, tears rising in my eyes. My mum was passed out on the sofa, as usual. There was no sight of my dad. Cautiously, i made my way up the stairs and stood outside my brothers room. Soft sobs drifted through the door. No. Slowly, i opened the door. My heart broke at the sight. Jack sat there, covered in marks. His head in his hands, muffling his crying.
"Hey." I croaked, a lump forming in my throat as i moved to sit next to him.
"What happened?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.
"Dad, he got really drunk again." Jack sobbed. Anger rose inside of me. How could he still be such an awful father. How can he do this to his own child.
"It's ok, i'm going to go get some ice, okay?" I whispered, rubbing circles on Jack's back. He nodded back slightly.
Silently, i walked back down the stairs to the kitchen. Bottles littered the counter. Disgusted, i opened the freezer in search of ice. After finding some i wrapped some paper towel round it and walked back towards the stairs. Once back in Jack's room, i handed him the ice.
"It should help with the bruising." I forced a smile, hoping that it would help.
"Where did dad go?" I asked, nervous for the answer.
"He went to get more drinks." Jack spat out. Unbelievable. He beats his son and his first thought is alcohol. He hasn't changed at all.
"Okay, i'm going to stay until he's back." I smiled at my brave little brother. I stayed with Jack for about 10 minutes before the front door slammed open. He was back. I braced myself for the screaming match on its way. Heavy footsteps slammed onto the stairs. He was coming. I winced as the door handle turned.
"YOU!" My dad screamed at the sight of me. The smell of alcohol made my eyes water.
"What are YOU doing back in my house?!" He bellowed, eyes flashing dangerously.
"What have YOU done to my little brother!" I screamed back, hatred rising up in me.
"He's done nothing wrong and you do this! Why are you taking out your hate for me on him?!" I screeched at him.
"Well my favourite punch bag left, so i needed a new one!" He answered, making it sound like a normal thing.
"You are disgusting! I hate you! How could you do this to your own flesh and blood! How? You vile piece of shit!" Years of anger had taken over, i instantly regretted what i had said.
"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!!" My dad howled as he slapped me. Pain. That's what i felt. He hit and hit until he couldn't anymore. I didn't move from where i'd fallen. My vision blurry from the tears. I could hear Jack screaming as my dad continued his assault. After he was satisfied, my dad turned and left, not before delivering one more punch to my already bruised body. I stayed on the floor, coughing and wiping tears away. Jack rushed to my side and helped me up.
"Why did you do that Rose? I was fine! I can take it!" Jack cried through tears.
"It's fine Jack, i'm used to it." I chocked out.
"Dads probably passed out now, here put this on your door." I said, handing him a lock for his door.
"I used to have one on my door, so i decided you're having one too." I stated, wincing slightly from the pain shooting through my body.
"I'm going to go, but keep in touch okay? I'm only an 1hour or so away. I'm always here for you, do you hear me?" I managed through tears.
"I promised to always protect you from him and i will keep that promise, no matter what!" Sighing, i pulled Jack into a tight hug.
"Has he always done that to you?" Jack questioned, eyes full of concern.
"Not always. He used to be the best dad in the world. Alcohol changed him, and i don't think he's ever coming back." I whispered, smiling slightly at the old memories.
"I'm going now. Love you, always and forever, yeah?" I said, sad tears forming in my bloodshot eyes.
"Always and forever Ro!" Jack mumbled into my hoodie as i hugged him one last time.
I felt awful just leaving him there. Leaving him with him. But i had no choice, Jack was too young to come live with me and i didn't have enough room in my dorm. As i walked back to Zoe's car, i looked at my stomach. Wincing at the sight, i pulled my hoodie down as far as it would go. My stomach was covered in bruises and scratches from my dads assault. Drained, i got back into Zoe's car and started up the engine. 9:13pm. Great, i wouldn't get home till nearly 11:00pm. Sighing, i pulled out of the drive of my childhood house, and began my journey back to college. At 10:49pm my phone began buzzing and beeping. Ugh, i still had to face Zoe and Ivy. My mind began coming up with excuses for how long i'd been, for the bruises, although i didn't plan on them seeing them.
After a while, i finally arrived back at my dorm. Silently, i opened the door. I let out a sigh of relief to see that Zoe and Ivy had already gone to sleep. Slowly, i made my way over to the closet. I removed my hoodie, cringing at my bruise covered reflection. Effortlessly, i pulled an extra-large hoodies on and joggers. Perfect. No one would be able to see and question anything. Once i'd finished moving my clothes, i moved to my bed and flopped down in defeat. My body hadn't looked like this for at least 5 months. I hadn't intended on it looking like this ever again. Sighing i drifted off into a dreamless sleep, glad Zoe and Ivy we're asleep and i didn't have to answer questions or explain anything.

Little did i know, Zoe had been awake the whole time, and i'd have to explain everything...

— thank you so much for reading my story🥰
— i'm going to be posting Chapter 6 tomorrow!
— hope you enjoyed this Chapter💗
if you would like longer chapters please comment and let me know, this chapter was 1441 words🥰🥰-liv

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