First fight

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So she asks the one question for which I have no reply.

"Uh-huh. And what exactly does this look like, John?"

"Ugh." Like I said, I have no reply. Not because I don't know what to say, because it's pretty obvious what this looks like. Thing is, I don't want to say it, not out loud, and certainly not to her.

I don't hear a word from Leah, and I don't risk a glance in her direction. My eyes are fixed on Veronica's, just as much as hers are as hard as stone on mine. I wanna die, and I wanna cry. Not in that order, obviously.

I blurt out the first (and lamest) thing that pops into my mind. "Weren't you supposed to be doing stuff at your house?"

Yeah, a very poor choice of words. Can someone please kill me now? I'd appreciate it. I've already dug my own grave, so that's something to scratch off the list.

Veronica frowns. "I thought I'd surprise you by coming as early as possible, but I guess it kind of backfired." She gives me a look I have never seen in her face before, one of unmistakable hurt. Yeah, not really the way I wanted to die. How about something more immediate, like a meteorite falling on my head? Hurting Veronica makes my heart feel like it's withering, which is a very slow and painful death that in all honestly, I don't really feel I deserve.

Veronica's once-warm eyes are now shooting icicles. "So, what's your excuse? What is it about this girl that you clearly like more than me?"

"Come on. That's not it! You're wrong, Veronica."

"Oh, am I? How convenient. Because I've been thinking you were messing around with some other girl while I wasn't around."

And that's as much as I can handle. My eyes sting and I'm ready to cry her a river, and if there's anything I hate more than this disgusting situation, it would be to cry in front of Veronica. But who am I kidding? I'm just not meant for this stuff. So, forget Leah, my social skills, my temper, my manners, and even my relationship. Screw it all. I dart past Veronica, running the whole length of the aisle plus the hall, and before I know it I'm out in the street, running as if a ghost is chasing me, though even at top speed, I can't seem to outrun the pain in my chest.

It doesn't last long because, as I'm turning around a corner, I bump into a bunch of guys; one of them even catches me as I'm about to fall on my butt.

"Sorry." I look up to see Alex's punk gang gathered together on the sidewalk.

"Hey, aren't you John? Alex's cousin?" one of the guys asks. He's tall and lean, with a bull ring piercing through his nose.

"Yeah, that's me."

"You're running like someone's on the chase. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm just..." There's no way I'm telling these guys what happened, but I also don't know what else to say. I stay silent and let them fill in the gaps.

"Are you not going to Martin's match, though?"

Martin's soccer match! For a second, I forget why I was in school to begin with. I can't miss my cousin's match, no matter how much I want to run away.

"Yeah, I guess I should go."

"Hmm..." One of the guys doesn't seem too impressed with my unenthusiastic response, but he puts a hand on my shoulder anyway. "Then come with us!"

"Whomever is chasing you, won't try anything if you're with us, I assure you!"

"No, guys, really..."

"Come on, don't be shy!"

Before I know it, they drag me back to CJ High. I quickly tell them I have to use the toilet and run off in that direction, which is also in the same direction as the cafeteria. Because if anyone can help me out of this complicated mess, that would be Alex.

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