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JL_Writes180 CarlPsychGuy moonlighttea- cherylsblossom- sailorvenus- Vanity4- KingAsianTheodoreIII

You know how in order to save Damien, the guests had to retrieve his memories? This story is just a little insight into what exactly those memories were.

Vladimir watched his son put the finishing touches on his first ever creation, a music box that's suppose to play the same tune of the lullaby Dolores used to sing. Damien had already blocked everything else out, only focusing on the little box. Vladimir always liked that about his son, once he had a goal in mind, he was determined to get it done. As much as he wants to take credit for such a quality, the inventor knew that Damien most likely got it from his mother. Dolores had a knack for being clear and direct, and didn't like it when others weren't. But Vladimir liked to say that a lack of common sense is what got him so far in inventing, even if his wife scolds him right after.

Damien put in the last gear and sealed the box, then placed it on the table. "I think I'm finished", he said, slightly nervous. Vladimir walked up to him and stared at the music box, "It does look finished", he observed, "but there's only one way to know if it works". Damien picked up the box and turned it around, revealing a crank. "And if it doesn't?", he asked, looking at his father. Vladimir replied, "Than we'll improve and try again. It's ok if you don't get it right on the first try. Did i ever tell you about my first attempt to make something?". Damien grinned, "Mother told me. She said it blew up in your face". "I regret telling your mother anything about my early days as an inventor, but yes. Which means if this blows up too, that's perfectly fine. We'll just try again". Damien nodded and turned the crank once, twice, three times, then let go and placed it back on the table. There was silence, then slowly, a soft melody started to play.

As Vladimir heard it, he remembered years ago when he stumbled upon his wife humming the same song to their children. Damien, who was only nine then, was lying next to his sister Veronica, both of them fast asleep. Dolores looked up and saw him, then smiled. He remembered his wife walking out of the room and closing the door, then he told her, "They grow up so fast, before we know it we'll be planning their weddings". Dolores laughed and replied, "One day. But let's stay in the present. Who knows what'll happen tomorrow?". Vladimir then kissed his wife and agreed to drop the subject. For now at least.

As the lullaby faded, Vladimir was brought back into reality, with his son, no longer nine, but fifteen, who was beaming at the fact that his creation worked. "I did it", Damien said in disbelief. Vladimir smiled and put a hand on his shoulder, "You did it. I'm so proud of you".
Veronica was examining herself in the mirror, fixing up her hair when Damien knocked on her doorway. His sister jumped and turned to look at him, then sighed in relief, "It's only you", she said. Damien walked inside the room and closed the door, "Only me? Who else would it be?", he asked. Veronica huffed and turned back around, "I don't know, our parents maybe?", the elder sibling replied, looking at her brother through the reflective glass. "Mother and father are busy greeting your guests". Veronica rolled her eyes, "They're not my guests. And the despite the fact that i'm the one getting engaged, it's not my party either". Will Harrington, Veronica's fiancee, was a wealthy man from a well respected family. And Veronica's father was the most brilliant inventor this side of the world. These were the reasons for their union, not love.

From the mirror, Veronica spotted Damien staring at the wall. "Something on your mind?", she asked. Damien snapped out of his gaze and looking at his sister, clearly frustrated, "It isn't fair", he said, "they shouldn't be able to force you to do this". Veronica sighed, this again. When their parents announced that she was to marry the young Harrington heir, Damien had put up more of a fight than she did. Veronica walked away from the mirror and faced her brother. "Damien", she said, "I've made my peace with it. We all secretly knew this would happen, it was only a matter of time", when he stayed silent, she added, "Will is a kind man who treats me with respect. We both know i could've gotten way worse". That got a small laugh out of her brother, and Veronica grinned. "And an engagement party is the perfect excuse to get expensive things for free".

"That reminds me", Damien said, taking out a small box and handing it to her, "I might have believed the excuse". Confused, Veronica opened the box, revealing a stunning necklace with a ruby at the center. She closed it and looked back Damien,
"You didn't"
"I did"
"What, I can't get my own sister a gift?"
"You know i hate it when you get me anything. Now i feel like i owe you".
Damien took back the box and took out the necklace, "You don't feel like you owe the fools who think that you and Will are actually in love. What makes me so special?", he asked, "And turn around, I'll help you put it on". Veronica turned around and as Damien put the ruby necklace around her neck, she said, "You're special because you're my little brother. And that will never change, Dami". Veronica faced her brother again, who was raising an eyebrow, "The last time you called me Dami, I was ten". She shrugged, "Can't help it. Engagements make me sentimental" and Veronica took Damien's arm, "And speaking of engagements, we should probably go to mine before our parents think I'm running away". Damien just chuckled and the two siblings headed on their way.
"Terminal? Her illness is terminal?", Damien couldn't believe what he was hearing. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. The doctor nodded, expression grim, "It is. I'm sorry sir, but she only has weeks left, maybe months if we're lucky". So it was true then. This was real, and that only made it worse. "Can i see her?", he asked. The doctor nodded again and led him to the bedroom where Dolores Rose laid on her bed, sleeping. She looked so peaceful, as if her life wasn't being eaten away at the seams. Veronica was already there with her husband, Will being the first one to spot the new arrival. "Veronica", he said. Young Mrs. Harrington looked up and saw her brother, "Damien", she said and immediately hugged him. "I just heard", Damien told her, "When did this start? And how come i wasn't told earlier?".

Veronica let go and bit her lip, "almost a year now. The doctor said mother would have a few years before it got this bad, but then she collapsed last night and father had to rush the doctor here". Damien was shocked. His mother had been ill for months and he never realized. But no one ever told him either. Why didn't they tell him? "And you kept this from me the entire time", he said bitterly. Veronica nodded, "Please don't blame our parents for this. It was my idea. I knew that you and mother were close, closer than i could ever be. I didn't want you to worry"
"Veronica, you don't have to protect anymore. I'm not a child."
"Could've fooled me", his sister tried to give a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. Damien sighed and looked back at Dolores. Was he upset? Definitely. He should've known, they should've told him. But he understood where Veronica came from, he would've done the same thing.

His eyes trailed from his mother, to his brother-in-law, back to his sister, "Where's father?", he asked her. Veronica sighed, "The workshop. You know he always goes there when he's stressed". Damien sat down next to his mother's bed and put his head in his hands. She couldn't die, not now, not like this. Damien would do anything to save her, pay whatever price. Veronica didn't want him to worry, but now that's all he's doing. He was just so lost.
Lilith was a patient woman. She's waited thousands of years to come back to the human plane, and she'll wait even more to break the spell that bound her to this house. But she'll have to take action soon. Vladimir will want to get himself and his family as far away from the manor as soon as possible, and she'll miss her chance. Lilith was currently nothing more than a ghost, a dark presence. If she wanted to leave, she needed something, or someone, physical. Someone to act for her until she receives her own host. The demon could see every room in the manor and she spotted a young man by his sick mother, desperate and alone. Perfect.
Damien read over the contract, "So you're saying that if i sign'll save my mother", he said. It should've felt weird talking to thin air, but Damien knew that something was listening. Something demonic and evil, dark and twisted. "I'll save her if you're willing to pay the price. The contract is there to simply make sure that if you go through with this, there is no going back", a voice whispered back. The price was his soul, and most would call Damien mad for even considering the offer. But when gods and angels ignored your prayer, demons and devils will listen to your bargain. Damien picked up a knife, one he found in the kitchen, and cut the palm of his hand. He watched his blood drip from his hand onto the contract, then took a quill and dipped it into the blood. The young man held up the quill and- with his blood as ink- signed his name before he could change his mind. No going back.


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