Vengeance Best Served on the Innocent

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Note this is not accurate to any real myths on faeries. This is my own interpretation.
The Faerie Court was beautiful. It wasn't a building like human courts, but an open space in the center of the land. Trees of all kinds were the walls that chairs made of moss sat against. In the middle was the tallest tree, it's trunk carved to hold the Queen herself. Around the tree in a semi circle were smaller thrones, for the Elite, the highest of the court second to only their queen. Vines coated in vibrant flowers made the roof, overseeing every session and debate. But currently the members of the court did not spare a glance towards the scenery, their minds were focused on only one thing. Vengeance.

"Once again the Branwells have murdered one of our own in cold blood", one faerie said, "A child too, not even ten cycles of age. Justice must be done!". Many cheereed in agreement. "And how shall we give it?", a second faerie questioned, "We can't just take their lives, they deserve worse than that". "They should know what's it like to cradle your own dead child in your arms!", said a third from her throne, showing her high rank. Her eyes were red from tears, since it was her child who has been killed, "I heard from the roots that these killers has recently bore their own son. His blood should be spilled to match my daughter's." "It wasn't just your daughter's life that has been taken, Lady Nessa.", spoke another Elite, "And there are worse fates than death".

"Lady Amara I not rest until my daughter's murder is avenged", Lady Nessa hissed, "Call me selfish but-". "It is not selfish to seek blood, but to believe you're the only one who has the right", a cold female voice echoed around the court, making all previous talking to cease. The Faerie Queen rarely spoke up during sessions, when she did it was mostly to settle debates and give final say. Lady Nessa immediately stopped her current sentence and bowed her head, "Apologies, Your Majesty", she said. The Faerie Queen nodded, "You're forgiven, but I'd like to hear Lady Amara", her green eyes trailed to the woman in question, "You said there are worse fates than death. What did you mean by that?"

Lady Amara pushed down her nerves and spoke, "The Branwells would rather die than be involved with faeries. If their child was killed, they would mourn and kill us more. But if their child is raised among the creatures they hate so fiercely...". She trailed off. "And who will be responsible for this child?", the queen asked. "I will. Since it was I who put the idea in the court's mind". When the faerie queen smiled, Lady Amara knew she convinced her. It doesn't matter what Lady Nessa or any court member argued, the queen's mind has been made and now nothing can break it down.
Oscar Branwell had just fallen asleep when Hazel shook him awake, "Oscar", she said urgently, "Oscar the wards have been breached". That woke him up immediately. Oscar got out of bed and saw that his wife was already armed with two iron daggers. "Which way is it headed", he asked as Hazel handed him one, "Bat's room", she replied, nervous for their son. Oscar cursed and ran out of the room, his wife hot on his heels. He should've known the faeries would find out about their son. Oscar reached the correct room, slammed the door open, and froze.
Bat was fast asleep, content as an infant could be. Holding him was a tall man with long horns and silver eyes. The faerie looked up and saw the armed couple, "Good, you are here", he said, "Let go of my son faerie scum!", Hazel screamed.
The faerie narrowed his eyes, "Your screaming will wake the child"
"Give him back!"
"No. I will not."
Oscar raised his dagger, "Release our son, faerie", he hissed at the word "faerie" as if it was the worst insult he could think of, "or else there will be no peace between us and your court"
"You call murdering our children "peace"?!", the faerie demanded.
"We do what must be done!", Oscar shouted.

The shouting woke up Bat, who started to cry. "You're hurting him", Hazel accused, "Give me my baby! I'm his mother I-"
"You are his mother no longer", the faerie interrupted. He muttered a spell to Bat, who soon fell back to sleep under the effects of faerie magic. The faerie smiled, then looked up and glared at the human couple, "You do what must be done? And so do we. You have spilled innocent blood and your child shall pay the price. Bartholomew Branwell now belongs to Faerie, the punishment for your deeds", before Oscar or Hazel could object, the faerie disappeared with Bat sleeping peacefully in his arms.
"Adaon, you've returned!", Lady Amara said. Adaon nodded and held out the sleeping infant, "I told the Branwells why we took their child. I doubt they listened though". Lady Amara took Bat in her arms and started to slowly rock him back and forth. "What is his name?", she asked but her eyes did not leave the child. "Bartholomew", Adaon replied, "Although I heard the Branwells call him Bat". Lady Amara laughed and kissed the infant on his forehead. She always wanted a child, but faerie children were so rare. As immortal beings, what was the need to have children if there was no threat of dying out? But now she has a son that she could call her own, even if she has acquired him through less than moral means. "Welcome to Faerie", Lady Amara whispered to her son, "Bartholomew Whitewillow".


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