I Get to Love You

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It's pride month!!! To celebrate, here you go!
Ada got home from work that night ready to just lie down next to her girlfriend and go to sleep. But apparently, said girlfriend had different plans. Jess met her at the door and helped Ada get her coat off, handing it up on the rack.
"So, how was it today?", Jess asked.
Ada sighed, "Exhausting. You wouldn't believe how many times I almost fell asleep. Not everyone is as lucky as you are, you know" while Ada worked in an office building, Jess worked in their shared apartment, giving her much more time to herself. Ada, being the extreme introvert she was, was hella jealous, even though that was the only scenario she ever did get jealous. Now at least. In the beginning of their relationship, Ada was ready to throw hands with anyone who even looked at Jess strangely. But as time went on, she relaxed. Her trust in her girlfriend has grown since that extremely awkward first date in high school that included many things she did not want to remember, but her brothers never let her forget either. But while Axel was happily married to Sonya and Ace was...Ace, Ada thinks, no, she knows she got the best out of the three of them. She got Jess Terran, kind, fierce, breathtakingly beautiful Jess Terran. There wasn't even a debate.

Ada smiled tiredly, "You know what I need right now?", she asked her girlfriend.
"What?", Jess asked.
"A shower. And sleep. Preferably the latter. And preferably right now.", she started to head to the bedroom, but Jess grabbed her arm.
"Not yet", she scolded, but her tone was light and a smile would not leave her face. Ada raised an eyebrow, but her unspoken question was answered when Jess linked arms with her and lead her to the kitchen. Their kitchen was the smallest room in the apartment. Enough room for the stove, oven, and other cooking necessities along with a small table with two chairs set opposite of each other. There's a reason family dinners mostly take place at Axel's and Sonya's house, or at some kind of low level restaurant where you always got a taste of the menu before you even look at it from the leftover grease of previous customers' food. Disgusting, but the food was great, and the service was quick.

As for the couple's small kitchen and dining area, one look and Ada thinks she forgot their anniversary. The lights were off, but the room was still lit by the combination of the candles by the stove and fairy lights that hung from the ceiling. The table was covered with her and jess's best table cloth and silverware. And to add to the already stunning scene, on the plates lying to be eaten just so happened to be her favorite food; ribs. Ada's eyes widened in awe, 'I totally forgot our anniversary', she thought. But that was impossible. Her first date with Jess happened in March, it was June. And after a quick mental check, her birthday was in February, Jess's was in October. So no anniversaries or birthdays missed. 'What is this all for then?'. When she asked Jess as much, her girlfriend just grinned vaguely, "What, I can't do nice things for my girlfriend?", and kissed her cheek. Ada smiled back and the two went and sat down. The couple dug in to their surprise dinner (even though it was only a surprise to one of them). Ada took her first bite. It was delicious.
"Mmmmm", she said, "This is amazing. Who made this?"
Jess put a hand over her heart dramatically, "What? You think i can't cook a decent meal?",she demanded in mock offense. She then started to laugh and Ada found herself laughing too.
"Ok one: this meal isn't decent, its legendary", Ada replied, sobering up. She took another bite, "And two: I love you with all my heart, but there's a reason I do the cooking in this household"
"Fine you got me. My dad made it. Happy?"

They continued their meal. Ada had to admit, being awake with Jess was much better than sleeping next to her, no matter how exhausted she was. Sitting here in their decorated kitchen, across from the love of her life, it's better than any potential dream. She finished the ribs too quickly to savor it, it was just too good. Jess's father knew his stuff, she'll have to ask for the recipe. As for Jess herself, she too has finished and an excited look was as bright as day on her face. She stood up, walked over her and held out her hand, "May I have this dance?".
"What are you up to?", Ada asked, a grin refused to leave her face.
"Nothing". She was lying. It was obvious she was indeed up to something, but Ada had no idea what. So for now she'll play along, and if she was being honest, a dance did sound nice.

Ada took her girlfriend's hand and let her be the lead. Jess wrapped an arm around Ada's waist and in response, Ada put her hand on Jess's shoulder. They joined their free hands and Jess began to lead a simple waltz. A step back, right, forward, left, Ada tried to follow her while trying to not step on her feet. Two steps back, right, a slow turn, a box step. Then Jess suddenly let go of Ada and twirled her, stopping when she faced opposite of her. Ada laughed and playfully scolded as she turned back around, "I'm pretty sure that wasn't a waltz-", the words died in her throat when she fully faced Jess. Jess, who was now on one knee. "Jess?"

"I don't know how you did it", Jess said, looking up at her with her chocolate brown eyes, "but somehow, I fell in love with you. That love started from the first day I met you and since then it has only grown. Your wisdom, your stubbornness, your random bursts of nerdy rants where I don't understand half the things you say. This and more, so much more, made what I'm about to do easier"
"J-jess?", Ada asked. Her voice was barely a whisper. She was so confused. What is going on. The only thing she could think of was- no. it wasn't that. It couldn't be that. Could it?
"I've wanted to ask you this for such a long time", Jess continued, "I was so afraid to. I still am, I'm terrified. But I've never been more sure of anything else in my entire life. So I might as well say it". She reached into her pocket and took out a small box. She opened it, revealing a diamond ring. An engagement ring.
"Ada Izabel Rose...will you marry me?"

There was no way this was happening right now. She was dreaming, she had to be. But no, this was real, Jess just proposed. Ada now had to make the biggest decision of her life, so she quickly soul searched. Not because she thought to say no, but because of how much she surprised herself by being so sure of her answer already. Jess was her soulmate, her other half. The answer was obvious, unmistakably so. So she did the only reasonable response to such a loaded question. She dragged Jess to her feet and kissed her. The kiss was passionate and full of fireworks like it was the fourth of July. But it was also full of love, pure and raw love for the woman in front of her. Eventually, they had to end the kiss to breathe and Ada rested her forehead against her girlfriend's, closing her eyes. It was then she realized that she was crying.

"So", Jess said and Ada could hear that beautiful smile in her voice, "I didn't get an answer". Ada laughed through her tears.



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