It's Just a Game

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Set between episodes 7 and 8 in arc 1
Damien returned to his room and sighed. He already missed Sivia, yet it was his fault she had to leave in the first place. It was for her own good, she had her family to go back to, she wasn't even suppose to be in this mess in the first place. But Damien had to stop all of this, he owed everyone that much. They say he's a good person, but if they knew what he's done, what really happened at the manor, they would think differently.

But stopping evil could be pushed off until tomorrow. It has been a long day, and Damien was exhausted. The former demon got ready for bed and took a moment to remember why he was doing all this. Veronica's necklace was laid on the drawer and his music box was right next to it. Damien thought to play it, but decided against it and went to sleep.

And in sleep, he dreamed. A vivid dream that one might think was reality after they've woken up. He dreamed he was back in the manor, wearing the clothes he wore that night Lilith was defeated the first time, taking ten lives with her, one of them being his own. Damien hated the manor. Yes it was once his home but it soon became a prison, and that's how he knew he was dreaming. He swore to never come back here.

After a quick scan of the room he found that he was specifically in the ballroom. Damien remembered when it was filled with wealthy people, all invited to celebrate his sister's engagement party. He remembered standing off to the side, hoping that his parents didn't try to set him some well off girl, not knowing why he never felt any desire towards anyone, romantic or sexual.

Now however, the ballroom was empty, just a shell of the once lively room it used to be. In the center was a table with a chess set ready for a game. Two chairs faced each other, one by each side. However, the chair in front of the black side was already occupied.
"Lilith", Damien greeted stiffly as he realized what was going on. She wasn't here to attack him with weapons, but with words, something much more dangerous.

Lilith met his eyes and smiled, "Damien, so glad you can join me. Care for a game of chess?"
Damien didn't reply but warily sat down on the white side, scanning the pieces.
"Why chess?" He asked.
"Its a strategy game, one that requires to outthink your opponent. Each piece is unique, set for its own purpose, but they all have one goal. To win." Lilith gestured to him, "White goes first"

He slowly took the pawn in front of the king and moved it two places forward. Lilith copied the move, and the game began.
They played in silence. The only sound that came was from the wooden pieces as they moved along the board. Pieces were captured from both sides, but the quiet continued, until at last Lilith spoke.

"This may come off as a bit of a surprise, but my favorite piece has always been the pawn", she said casually, as if they were old friends. Which, Damien supposed, was true on some level.
"They're overlooked, expendable, almost useless", Lilith continued, "but they can do a powerful move when no one expects it", she took her pawn and captured the white queen. She tossed it onto the floor and the piece protested with a soft 'clunk', "what about you?"

"The knight", Damien played along and answered the question, "unique abilities and always the one who least expect", he moved his knight. "Check". Lilith moved the black king away and the game continued in silence once more.
More pieces were captured when Damien finally had enough. After he made his move he looked up and leaned back in his chair.
"Why am I here?", he asked
Lilith made her move, "what do you mean?"
"You don't own my soul anymore, Azazel and Dmitri are dead, and we both know a final battle is approaching. Why waste your time with me?"
"You intrigue me. Demons are created to be loyal and were my first, you should've been the most loyal. And you were for awhile, but you broke away. How did you do it?"
That made Damien pause, "I- I don't know. But even I did, I wouldn't tell you"

Lilith sighed, "I thought as much. Then I was hoping you do one last favor for me, for old times sake"
"Depends on what that favor is", Damien went to take his turn when he realized only the kings remained on the board, all the other pieces were captured.
"Tell the Society Against Evil that in this war, we're stuck in a stalemate", Lilith said, "and right now, it's your turn"
Damien woke up with the sun shining through the window. He thought about the dream and what Lilith told him. She was challenging them to make the next move, and they will, they just had to be smart about it. He sighed and sat up, then realized something was in his pocket. Damien grabbed it and took it out, it was small and wooden, painted white. The white king.

I know the chess analogy is overused but I can't help it, it's fun.

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