A Queen's Revenge

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Takes place after the events of Curse of the Inferno. Dean and Jewel are OCs that belong to  sinpossible- sorry if they're out of character, I tried my best to make sure they're not.
Jewel tried to fight off the guards as they dragged her towards the throne room.
"Watch it", she snarled, "this shirt is worth more than you"
"Silence", one of the guards barked.
Jewel rolled her eyes, "Or else what?", a knife was soon pressed against her throat, making her close her mouth. She glared silently at the guards's smug look as he removed the blade, and they entered the throne room.

Lilith sat in the center, a guard on either side, and Jewel was kicked in the back of her legs, making her fall to her knees. She looked up, and faced the queen of Hell.

Lilith analyzed the girl in front of her, more specifically, her demonic advancements that was gifted to her when she fell the first time.
Lilith sighed, "Some of my best work, wasted. I should've known better than to grant power to bratty girls"
"Let me go you bit-" a hard smack to her cheek cut her off.
"Do not talk to your queen like that", the guard who slapped her said.
"She's not my queen and she never will be!"
"You little-"

Lilith raised her hand slightly, making the guard go silent, "Let her speak", she said and eyes Jewel coolly, "Perhaps is she is wise enough, her next words will be an apology".
Jewel knew that the worst part was a part of her wanted to. Wanted bow her head and give in, just to apologize and beg for forgiveness. But that wasn't really her, was it? It was Lilith's hold over all damned souls, twisting them into doing what she wanted. Well Jewel never really gave a damn about what other people wanted.

So instead of groveling, she glared at the so-called queen and spat, "An apology? You killed my friends, turned me into a demon against my will, nearly made me kill my friends, murdered my boyfriend, and now you want an apology?! You really are full of it!"

The room got colder. Jewel didn't know if one could die in Hell, but if looks could kill, then Lilith's icy glare would make her find out. But the queen didn't rage from the insult, instead she turned to the guard on her left and said in a chilling calm voice, "Bring in the other one". The guard bowed and left.

"Other one?" Jewel asked
Lilith ignored her question, "Have you ever wondered where witches go when they die?"
"Witchcraft is unholy in the eyes of the angles. They would never let a witch into Heaven, no matter how good they have been. Which means that when they die, all witches end up in my domain."
"What are you on about?"

Before her question could be answered, the guard was back, but not alone. A prisoner was walking in front of him, his head bowed hiding his face. The prisoner's hands were bound with chains and Jewel gasped at the state of him. Scars covered his body, along with more fresh wounds, and even some burns along his collarbone. So much of his clothing has been with stained with his blood it was hard to tell if red was the original color of his clothing or not. He walked up and went to his knees next to Jewel.

"In fact, I do believe you know this witch in particular", Lilith finished, eyes gleaming. The prisoner looked up, confused, and Jewel saw his face, a face she'd never forget.
She gasped, "Dean?!"
Dean met her eyes. "Jewel?! What- what are you doing here?!", he looked back at Lilith, "You said you wouldn't hurt her! You- you promised you wouldn't-"
"Must I remind you what happened the last time you spoke out of line", Lilith interrupted him coldly. Dean flinched and looked back down. He looked so defeated, so broken.

"What did you do to him?!", Jewel demanded.
"The same I will to do, and to anyone who betrays me", Lilith gestured to her guards, "I believe this reunion has been long enough. Take them."
Two guards grabbed Jewel and forced her to her feet.
"Dean!", she shouted as she was being dragged away.
"Jewel!", Dean called back, being pulled in the opposite direction.

The guards took her to a cell and pushed her in, then slammed the door closed. Jewel ran up and pounded on the door.
"Let me out!" She shouted, "You don't know what I'm capable of! I'll tear you all limb from limb! LET ME OUT!". She kept screaming until her voice got hoarse, until all the fight has left from her. She slid to the ground, her back against the door, and she tried not to cry. She didn't care what happened to her, but she did care about what happened to Dean, and Lilith knew that perfectly well.

"This is all my fault", she whispered to herself as she curled up in the cell, all alone.

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