Lucy ' s house

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Lucy pov

Kiyoko is introduced to everyone but she always stays close to Laxus.

She never says a real word but only makes cat noises.

"I wonder why she doesn't talk." I ask Natsu while he eats. "She is part human. Even Happy talks and he is all cat."

"I'm an exceed. But it still doesn't make sense. " Happy agrees.

"And she is staying really close to my Laxus. " Freed says walking up to us.

"Your Laxus?" Gray asks.

"She is another love rival," juvia says angerly.

"She is nice though," Wendy adds.

"But she can't just going around licking people!" Carla says a little angerly.

"I like her!" Cana adds.

"She should get some clothes though. It's not lady like to wear a man's jacket without any underwear on. Plus she should wear something less worn out." Evergreen adds.

"We should take her shopping!" Erza says.

"Ya!" The guild girls answer.

"No way in hell are you taking her shopping on her first day." Laxus says walking up to us.

"Fine," all us girls say sighing.

"I bet you just like her wearing your coat without underwear." Evergreen says to Laxus.

Laxus actually blushes a little. "That's not true." He sighs. "Hey Lucy? "

"Ya what is is Laxus?"  I ask.

"Can Kiyoko stay at your place? Just until she can afford her own."

"Um ya sure." I agree.


Laxus walks away and sits down talking to Kiyoko (who is now in cat form on the floor).

I don't know what they are talking about but Kiyoko nods and walks over to me.

"Well I guess it's time to show you to your new home," I say. I walk out the door with Kiyoko following and Laxus watching her.


( Time skip to Lucy house.  (Lol I'm lazy))

When we arrive at my house I open the door and walk in with Kiyoko following close behind.

She yawns and jumps on my bed. She looks at me than walks in a circle on my pillow, lays down,  and falls asleep.

I sigh, I guess she likes it here. But I smile and walk into my kitchen to make dinner.

(Sorry for not updating much. I've been busy. I'm thinking of writing a black star soul eater fanfic. Hope you read my other stories. For some reason I can't comment on anything:( so sorry I never comment on things. Thanks so much ~ author)

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