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Kiyoko pov

Freed walks in and blushes.

"Laxus-chan what are you doing?"

Laxus blushes a bright red and let's go of me.

My cheeks heat up. "Freed can you leave?" Laxus asks.

"S-sure Laxus. S-sorry." Freed says and leaves quickly.

Laxus turns back to me and blushes pining me on the wall again. He kisses me than pulls away and puts his hand under my shirt.

"Ouch!" I wince and Laxus steps back. "Are you ok?"

I pull my shirt up so he can see. He blushes and I realize that he is staring at my chest. I point at my stomach and he looks down. His eyes widen as he stares at the huge diagonal scare on my stomach.

"I-Im sorry." He says.

I feel tears slipping out of my eyes. I run to the window and jump out.

I run down the street on my bear feet. "Kiyoko?" I run past Lucy. "Hey Kiyoko!" Natsu yells. I keep running. "Kiyoko!" Happy yells after me.

I keep running.

Laxus pov

Kiyoko shows me the scar on her stomach.

No wonder she winced and yelled. I think to myself.

"I'm sorry." She starts to cry and she runs away.

I grab my jacket and run after her. Lucy,  Natsu and Happy are yelling after her on the street.

"It's ok I can handle this. Go home!" I yell to them over my shoulder as I run.

Kiyoko pov

I run to the woods and finally brake down in a clearing just outside of Magnolia.

I lean against a tree and let my tears fall as I pant.

"Kiyoko." I turn around and see Laxus standing behind me.

I cry harder. "It's ok." He says walking up to me.

I cry and cry. He kneels down and brushes away some of my tears with his thumbs. "Don't cry."

"B-but... I h-have... t-too." I say through my tears. (Half in cat and half in human but it doesn't matter because Laxus can understand both.)

"Why?" He asks and I look up at him. "Why?" He repeats.

"Because... I love you." I say bawling now.

He leans closer to me. "I love you too." I just cry and cry. "What's the problem?" He asks kissing me.

I push him back yelling now, "Because! Because I can't do anything for you! I-i can't have children! I can't speak! My body is weak!And I can't always remember who people are!"

"Is any of that your falt?" He asks. I don't answer. "You can't blame yourself. It's not your fault. None of it is your fault. And I don't care." Laxus says meaningfully.

"But you deserve a wife who can give you children!  You deserve someone who can remember! Someone strong! Someone who can speak!"

"NO!" I stare at him. "No," he says again. "Because they wouldn't be you."

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