If my son were gay

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Father writes a poem for his potentially gay son. The result is totally beautiull

if my son were gay, i would slap him... with a nice high five.
because comming out to your dad , takes balls that most gay men dont have.

if my son were gay, i would beat the hell out of him, 
because he said he was better the me at Super smash ( he basically was asking for me to kick his ass)

if my son were gay, i would kick him out of the house
Because why waste june on video games, when there are sports to be played.
And just because he likes making out with boys, doesnt mean he cant tackle the shit out of them, too.

If my son were gay
I would call him a douche, just because this morning
He ate the last peanut butter cup in the house( the jerk knows theyre my favorite)

If my son were gay
I would still give him the talk
I just dont have to worry about a baby in 9 months.

If my son were gay
I would make fun out of what he wears
Because damn, son,
Thise heels dont go with that dress.

If my son were gay
I would tell him to be proud
Because youre human no matter the gender on the other side of your mouth.

If my son were gay
Nithing would be dufferent at all.
Except that 20 years down the line,
I will be expecting a handsome sone-in-law.


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