break up

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have u ever been trough a break up?

well i have. in some ways its the worst feeling u can think of in my oppinion. but on the other hand u can feel so free!

even more if the relationship was becomming toxic like the fact one person is pulling so hard to keep u guys together. and the other person is already moving on to discover other people.

trust me, been there done that. in that case its better for both persons to go there seppereate ways in life. 

and if the love is meant to be u will find eachother again with mby a year or 2. and if u know thats gonna happen, the break up is more easy to handle.

im in this situation right now and i havent fell better in a break up then i do right now. cause i know me and this person are gonna get back together and that makes it a whole lot easier to handle with it. 

it still sucks but its but its for the best and now we both are discovering new people and new relationships. were still the best of friends and our bond is still incredibly strong. the love is still there and the feelings havent been anywhere else but with eachother.

so now u see, a break up doesnt needs to be bad, fighting and hating on eachother. dint hold on on anything or anyone u know isnt good for u and ur mental health. if u stop the other person from growing mentally then pls just stop. otherwise u ruin more then u love.

moral of the story, dont always think a breakup is a bad thing. sometimes its even better then being a couple. then u can grow as a person and mby  later on as a couple again.

Positive Quotes If You Need ItOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora