The day

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the day you wake up and feel how you wanna feel for a very long time finally comes.                          you have been battling against your demons for ages. But today, you dont feel them anymore.      You finally feel how you wanna feel and you enjoy every second of it. the demons are gone, you won!

You dont wanna hide behind that big oversized sweater anymore, bc you finally feel confident enough to show the real YOU. Not the person everyone wants you to be. You dont have to hide your scars anymore bc you finally feel like they are a part of you and you accept them the way you are. It is hard bc you hid them for such a long time. But today, you left your selfharm days behind you and your ready to move on.

This day is the day you finally choose for yourself. The day you dont let other people tell you how to live your life. And the day you finally start to love and accept yourself for who you are.         Because you are beautifull, love, And worthy of live and all the good stuff that happens in it.           You are so much more loved then you feel. there is someone out there who loves you more then you may ever love yourself. Keep that in mind.

written by me

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