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Are we excited !!!! The first chapter of tea from my life !!!! Enjoy


Year 7

"If your name is on the screen you're a part of class 7X, your teacher is Ms White, please follow her out of the hall and into your new homeroom class" spoke the teacher at the front of this massive hall, I'd already forgotten her name. Each class was pulled from the room, lead around the massive school and into their home base for the year. I was seated next to my best friend from primary school, Chelsea. We had been friends for years, ever since 4 year old kinder. Back when I was a quiet pushover and she was bossy as they come. The dynamic worked and as we grew and changed, somehow we stayed together. The one thing that I could wish for is that we were placed in the same class. Coming from a small public primary school of around 500 students to a private school, classing students from preschool to year 12, home to 1300 students, this was a bit of a jump for us.

"Now for class 7W, check for your name and move out of the hall. Your teacher is Ms Patterson. Have a good year" My eyes frantically crossed the screen, passing Chelsea's name as she stood up, oh god, please be on the list. As my hopes were about gone, I cross my name, Olivia Smith. I stand up, excitement in my veins, ready for the year ahead.

We walked towards our new room. Crossing over the large school. Chelsea and I stuck close together. You could pick out the students that had come to this school in year 5/6 or even from prep. They stood in larger packs, confidently striding to the classroom, already knowing exactly where to go. Then there were the rest of the kids in my class. Awkwardly standing on their own or in groups of two or three, wandering at the back, gazing around the school taking it all in.

Once we had arrived in the classroom we noticed white name tags on each seat of the tables. Of course. I walked to the back of the classroom quickly finding my sticker and sitting down. Sitting next to me was a girl called Aria. Aria was tiny, maybe 5', if that. Considering I was almost 5'7 though, everyone looked short to me. Chelsea was closer to the front of the room, sitting next to a girl, whose name I didn't know yet.

"Ok class, time to get to know each other. Turn to the person next to you. State your name, whether you're new to the school and something about you. But you have to listen carefully because you will be sharing the newly found facts about your partner to the class" the teacher announced.

"Hi, I'm Aria, I have been at the school since prep and I love Ariana Grande" spoke Aria. She seems nice, maybe a little overconfident but fine.

"I'm Olivia, this is my first day and... um... I like cheese" I spoke quickly, smiling to the girl next to me. 

As the class went around I found out the girl who was sitting next to Chelsea was Harper. The four of us, Chelsea, Aria, Harper and I all came together at recess. Spoke about your interests, our primary schools and anything that would help us get to know each other better. 


From then on we spent all our time together. We would not leave each other's sides for the entire school day and then see each other every weekend. There was so separation. And maybe that was our down fall. Or maybe it was something else entirely. 

Eventually what we thought were just 'personality clashes' began to appear. Chelsea and Harper were constantly in disagreement and Harper and I would be irritated by the other a lot. Eventually, Chelsea and Harper got into a big fight. Harper had been talking to Aria about Chelsea. Saying how she was such a bitch, was always rude and self centred and though of no one but herself. this obviously started drama in no time. There was back and forth messages, throwing accusations at each other before finally agreeing to settle and agree to disagree. There was always tension from there but nobody took much notice of it.

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