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Ok, so disclaimer on this one. This is relatively current so there is a high chance fun little *bonus* chapters will be posted. Enjoy this one... she's something special


March 2018

I have never experienced anything worse than what just happened. Yes, shlt happens, it's high school, but wow, that, that wasn't what I was expecting at all. 

(A/N: don't worry I'll get into this one in another chapter)

I was crying as I walked back inside before I ran into Ava. She took me in her arms as I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I couldn't even explain what had just happened as we were already late to class. But the words

"It's ok, I promise. Sit with me at lunch, just you and I, we can talk about what happened", soothed me like nothing else. Ava and I didn't know each other that well. We had, had Chinese together from year 7-9, and were in the same form-room this year, but that was it. We never hung out away from school or even sat together at lunch, so to hear this kindness from her was incredible. We went to our classes separately.

Lunch came and I met Ava at our locker area. She pulled me aside as I spilled everything that had happened only a few hours before. She spoke comforting words and announced that if I wanted to, I could join her group. Lunch was only halfway done when she said this so we set off and found the rest of them. Most of them I knew from different classes over the years. There was one girl thought that I just met. She was new to the school this year and we had never crossed paths before. 

"Hi, I'm Abbigale. It's nice to finally, properly meet you" She spoke with a wide smile on her face. 

Abbigale and I immediately hit it off. Giggling our head off at everything, just pure happiness between the two of us. We created inside jokes within the first 30 minutes of knowing each other. From then on, I sat with these girls every day at school, we hung out on the weekends and went to parties together. I loved these girls. Of course, I still had my ups and downs with my old group, but these girls helped me through it all.


July 2018

We push forward a few months. The issues with my old friendship group had settled down, and bridges were being built. Old friends were apologising and I was finally able to get some closure on the events of the start of the year. 

"Oh Chloe, could you let the girls know that just for this lunchtime I am going to chat with a few people from my old group?" I said as Chloe and I walked out of class. She said she would do so, so I set off to find a few of my old friends.

I spent lunchtime rekindling friendships and working out miscommunications that lead to the struggles of the start of the year. I was finally feeling optimistic. I had a reliable group of girls who I loved to death and I had a few old friendships that I could hold onto.

"Hi guys, did I miss anything at lunch?" I asked Ava and Abbigale as we grabbed our books from our lockers for the next class. 

"No, not really, how did your lunch go?" Ava asked. I explained how well it all went, but noticed Abbigale was being cold and snarky to me.

"You ok Abbi?" I asked, confused with what was going on.

"Just good to hear you stick with us while you have no friends and move along as soon as a better option arrives" She comments quickly. I was taken aback. She knew what this lunch meant to me. She knew it was purely for closure. She knew the whole story. 

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