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Here's the next one. This guy, wow, we have a long ass story... 4 years actually. Enjoy ;)


Term 1 2015 (Year 7)

There is this guy in my year level, he was kind of cute and was extremely nice. I didn't know him that well but wow, I think I like him. His name is Sam. He is tall, dark hair, dark eyes... just my type. I found out that he liked me so of course, I told my friends to send the message back that I was interested in him as well, as you do in year 7.

All day, the only topic of conversation between my friends and I was Sam. Was he going to ask me out? Did I like him? Why did we like each other? It was constant and I loved it. We hyped this all up to be as big as it could possibly be. I was so excited at the possibility of getting my first boyfriend!

We had just finished compulsory band and I was walking back to my bag with Aria, Sam walked up from behind us. He wandered up next to us, right by my side. After all the excitement and chatter for the day, I already knew what was going to happen.

"Olivia, will you be my girlfriend?" Sam asked me, full of confidence.

"Sure" I quietly mumbled off like the awkward 12-year-old I was. Inside I was dying of excitement. He wandered off and I squealed with my friends and shared the 'story' time and time over. I was so nervous over the next few days. Any moment that I thought about seeing him made me freak out. When I was with him at recess and lunch I refused to eat, scared that he wouldn't like me if I ate in front of him. I feared being too weird or too loud or too anything, so I shut myself down. After and entire 3 days I ended things with him, telling him we would be better off as friends. I didn't think I was ready for a relationship at that time, so I moved along.

Within the next month or two he had another girlfriend. For some reason, even though I was the one that ended things, I couldn't help but be extremely jealous of her. I still liked him, but just wasn't mature enough to be with him. I was cold with the both of them from then on forward, although looking back I don't think they noticed. 


2016 (Year 8)

This year we were in the same class and wow had he gotten better looking. Something had changed over the summer and suddenly, my feelings for him were back and as big as ever. I spoke to him any opportunity I had. There was something about Sam that I was just drawn to and all I wanted was to be with him, but as we know from previous chapters, Harper had him wrapped around her little finger. Not matter how hard I tried I couldn't get his attention.

Half was through the year I had a boyfriend, Max. I had been with him for around 3 months before Sam gained my attention again. I tried to fight it off, wanting to stay with my current boyfriend, but of course I couldn't. I ended things with Max, telling him honestly that I liked Sam now. Somehow Sam found out about my crush on him. He then told a few people as well and suddenly everyone knew about it. I confronted him, trying to lie my way through it claiming I had no feelings for him at all and Max made it up purely because he was hurt. We all managed to move along, but my feelings were still there. I was extremely jealous of Harper for the full year and I think that is part of the reason why our friendship ended.


2018 (Year 10)

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