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Robin walked through the Mount. Justice halls looking for something to do.

He soon stumbled on Miss. Martian or Meagan's room. Letting curiosity get the best of him he walked in.

The sight he walked into was well...

It was an interesting sight.

There was Miss. Martain staring at a phone in absolute confusion.

"Oh, hey Robin. Ummm can you help me out?"

"Sure uh what is it?"

"What's vine?"

Robin gasped dramatically putting a hand over his heart.

"You don't know what vine is?"



"We have a lot of catching up to do."

Three hours later and Meagan knew about the entire vine culture. Well, mainly the basics but you get the point.

"You ready to test your knowledge Mrs.M?"

"Yep, " she said cheerfully.

"Okay... And NOW!" Robin yelled this exactly as Wally West began to walk into the room.

Megan purposefully bumping into him.

"Stoooppp, " she whined, "I almost dropped my croissant!"

Wally stood there in shock not be living what he had just heard.

"I'm sorry what?" He exclaimed as she made her way to the kitchen.

Robin grinned. This would be fun.

The next victim was Artemis.

Artemis was fighting with Wally as usual when Megan walked in.

"Step the fuck up Kyle. No what did ya say? Step the fuck up."

They both stood there in just pure surprise both confused and slightly scared.

The next victims were Super-boy and Kuldur. Kuldur was swimming in the pool and Super-boy was doing who knows what.

"Two bros chilling in a hot tub. Five feet apart cause there not gay!" they heard someone whisper.

They looked over to see Megan standing there asking what they wanted for dinner. Both answered shakily and slightly confused.

And the last and final offense was when they were with the Justice League.

When they entered the room she spread her arm out saying "Look at all those chickens."

While everyone else stood there in shock Robin was laughing his ass off.

Suffice to say he got a through talking to and he had to promise not to do anything like that again.

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