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*Tobias's POV*

The three of us walk out of school. I can't still get over the fact that she held my hand back at biology class. I can feel my cheeks get hotter only by thinking about it. "So you two will have to spend more time together?" Ash says as we walk to my mustang. "I guess yeah." She says. "You both are coming to my place." She says. "You, to work on the project and you to just spend time with us." She says as she points at me and Ash. "Isn't that your mother's car, Ruby?" Ash says as he points at a black mini copper. "Oh yeah. She is here to pick us up." She says. "Hey, let's go in my mustang." I say. I kinda did it because Ruby likes mustangs. She was all happy about driving my car yesterday. She smiles and nods. Her sister from yesterday walks in front of us. "Louisa!" She calls her sister. She walks to us. She has Ruby's eyes. Just that. The rest is normal. She is wearing jeans along with a nude blouse. Her black hair is lose. Her face is kinda full of makeup unlike Ruby's freckled beautiful face. "Hey Woods." She says with a small wave. Well, she turns out to be like the other girls. Totally obsessed with me. "Hi." I say as I return the wave. "Tell mom that a friend of mine is going to drive me." Ruby says to grab her sister's attention from me. "Who?" She asks. "I will." I say. They both look at me. They don't resemble each other at all. "What? You guys are friends now?" She says with gasp. I nod as I smile and look at Ruby. She returns the smile to me. "Can I come, too?" She asks. "No." Ruby says. I kinda don't want her sister to come as well. I can't drive while someone is staring the shit out of me. "Then, you can tell mom yourself!" Her sister Louisa says. She walks away to the car. Ruby sights. "Just a sec guys." She says as she walks after her sister. We both watch her as her head is buried into the car's window. After like 3 minuets, she is back. "Let's go!" She says. "Wanna drive?" I ask her. I never let anyone drive my car before. But, Ruby isn't anyone. She nods as she takes the keys that were resting in my hand.

We have decided to go to a café first. She parks the car in front of the café perfectly. We get out of the car. "Nice driving." I say as we enter the café. She smiles. We sit in a booth. The waiter comes by. "Welcome! What would you like?" He asks smiling. "I will take a chocolate milkshake." Ash says. "I will take one,too." She says as she smiles to the waiter softly. "I will take strawberry milkshake." I say as he nods at us and walks away to get out orders. "So, we need to think of a good idea." She says. I wonder at her freckles. They look like stars. Her cheekbones are obvious. She has dimples, too. Her lashes are heavy against her beautiful green eyes. They remind me a lot of my mother's eyes. They are pure green. She sometimes reminds me of my mother. Maybe that's why I feel this way towards her. "Earth to Woods? Are you still here?" I hear her say. Even her voice. Damn. "Told you he likes you." I hear Ash saying which snapped me from my thoughts. "Yes yes. I am with you guys." I say. The waiter comes with our orders. "How about a heart?" I say smiling. She takes a sip from her milkshake which caused a small cream mustache. I can't help but smile. "You... have some.." I say with a chuckle as I point at the place of the cream. She wipes it with her sleeves. I laugh at her. She hits me in the arm. "Think you're so funny?" She says as she rolls her eyes. I smile as she smiles back.

We arrive at her house after we stopped at a shop to buy stuff for the project. She actually like my idea of the heart. We will make it a beating one. That really bumps blood. "We're home." She says as we walk into her house. "Ruby!!" A little man who I say yesterday came hugging her. "Peter!!" She says as she hugs him back tightly. "Hey Ash." He says as he shakes hands with Ash. "Who are you? Aren't you that guy that was beaten up yesterday?" He says as he turns to me. I hear her chuckle. I squat down to face him. "Yeah. That is me. I am Woods." I say. "Woods? Weird name. But, it is cool. I am Peter." He says as we shake hands. I smile at Ruby as she looks at us. We go up to her room. It is not that big or small. It is okay. She has a mirror and a closet both full of girls stuff. Even her bathroom. She takes off her vans and sits down. "Come on!" She says as she opens the bags and starts to get stuff out. We start to draw the heart diagram first on a paper. Ash is watching us while listening to music out loud. After working for an hour or so, her door bursts open making the three of us jump. Her mother's face appear. Ruby doesn't resemble her mother. But, Louisa does a lot. "Hey, guys." Her mother says in a sweet voice. "Hello Miss Clarks." I say smiling. "Hey, Carla. I missed you." Ash says as he gets up and hugs her tightly. She hugs him back as they both laugh. "They're close." Ruby says as I look at her in confusion. I just smile. "Well, you all will have lunch now. Get up Ruby and make some sandwiches. I have to take Peter to practice." She says as Ruby gets up. "Where is Dad?" Ruby asks. "He will be late. See you guys later." Her mother says as she waves at us and leaves the room. "Wanna order pizza?" Ruby says as she turns to us. We both smile to her with a nod.

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