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Boom! CRASH!

The palace gates were now worth little more than firewood.

Elwing heard them shatter a floor below her. The bloodthirst had come to her home. Clutching each of her hands, the twins whimpered in fear.

"What's goin' on, Nana?" Elrond pleaded.
"I wanna go back to bed!" Elros cried.

An idea formed in Elwing's mind. "Elros, you're a genius!" she kissed him and the frightened trio raced back in to the boys' nursery. If these elves had some drop of honor left in their vile blood, that was the last place they'd search.

"TO ARMS!" shouted someone as they raced up the steps again.

The boys recognized the powerful cry at once. "Uncle Cirdain!" They writhed free of their Nana's grasp and ran to huddle beside him.

"Boys!? Where on Arda is your mother!?" Cirdain screamed above the din of men and elves being sliced to death.

"We-we wanna go with you!" Elrond whimpered. He hugged Cirdain's blood-soaked pant leg, staining his own clothes and part of his brown hair.
Elros tried to clamber up Cirdain's other leg, narrowly avoiding Cirdain's blade as it made an enemy elf shorter by a head. "Elros, NO!" the shipwright cried frantically. "Find your mother! Go!" He shoved them off just before an arrow whizzed past his silver beard, striking one of Elwing's male attendants.

Dazed by the bloodbath, the boys froze to their spot. Elros suddenly saw his mother. She had thrown on a silvery hood, but it had to be her. "Nana!" he ran to her screaming. Elrond dashed after his older twin, rolling under soldiers's legs and holding his breath when he saw his brother's raven head nearly be crushed by a wounded enemy falling. Elwing saw them coming. She forgot about logic and safety, throwing back her hood. Both twins, drenched in blood that was not their own, cowered into the folds of her cloak. "Never do that again!!" she hissed. Weaving through the unfolding catastrophe, Elwing fleetingly noted that it was her sons' knack for tripping the servants that had saved their lives. Just when she thought she could run no more, Elwing reached the nursery door.

We're in it now! Please leave a (CLEAN) comment expressing your compliments or constructive criticism! For those of us who love Maedhros, he will come along very soon.

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