Fluff 2

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Rain began to gently pitter-patter down from the heavens as the twins carried their new friend back to the palace.

"Ossë and Uinen finally agree on something," Maedhros scoffed at the autumn rain.

"They're married—" Elrond shrugged.

"They have to agree," Elros finished his sentence.

Maedhros suddenly laughed. "Eru, is every pair of identical twins the same?!"

"The Ambarussa did this too; I forgot how uncanny it was," Maglor shrugged.

"But honestly," Maedhros glanced down at his foster-nephews, "where did you two get that information?"

Shrugging, Elros said, "Ada made us learn that. He also made Ron learn how to sing some of the Teleri's old sea songs. Yuck!"

"Sssssh! You wanna wake up the bunny?" Elrond hissed.

"All I'm sayin' is I don't think you need to know some dusty ol' sea shanty when you can sail," Elros apologized with a lowered voice.

Maglor opened the back gate to the palace. "Boys, if you promise to keep quiet, I will let you put the rabbit in your room."

"ALRI—sorry," Elros stopped himself.

Maglor led the boys upstairs softly. Maedhros, who was still questioning his hostage choice, followed along awkwardly.

"Aredhel is the animal person, not me," growled the redhead under his breath. With a tired sigh, Maedhros quickened his pace, passed his brother and the boys, and opened the door to the room.

The twins softly stepped inside and set the rabbit in the corner of the room where their lantern lay. "That should warm him up," Elros whispered. He reached into the cloth nest and gently ran two fingers over the kit's soft body.

Elrond bolted off to the other end of the room, where the salvaged toys sat. "The bunny needs a friend," he said to himself. He snatched up a stuffed white dog, came back to where the baby rabbit lay, and put the dog up against the little creature.

"I see you showed them the toy stash," Maedhros looked at his brother and glowered.

"I knew you would be angry," Maglor scratched his head nervously.

"I'm not," Maedhros smirked flatly. "It's about time Stuffed Huan saw the light again."

Maglor chuckled. "Good to know. Keep the twins from loving the rabbit to death. I'll be back."

Maedhros nodded and left the door to stand over the twins. A few minutes later, Maglor came black with a saucer full of milk, some sugar, a handful of sunflower seeds, and a grinding stone. He knelt beside the completely awake twins and set down his ingredients.

"Any guess as to what these are for?" Maglor smiled, snatching the opportunity for a nature lesson in the middle of the night.

Elros shook his head and shrugged, mind blank.
His brother, however, eagerly raised his hand.

"Elrond," Maglor looked at the younger twin.

"The sunflower's gonna make the milk stronger, and the sugar's for energy."

"Very good. You're in charge of grinding. Your brother will hold the rabbit while you feed him," Maglor smiled.

As Elrond and Elros busied themselves with the kit's food, Maedhros glanced at his brother and whispered, "We may have a future healer on our hands."

Maglor nodded, blue eyes sparkling with hope for the future. "As for Elros, he seems to be more of a strategist. He was the first to figure where the rabbit would be warmest."

The twins had just finished adding the seeds and sugar to the milk saucer. "Now what?" asked Elros.

"Carefully flip him on his back—exactly like that. Elrond, get a handkerchief and wet the corner. The kit will suck on that."

"Well, I was definitely doing it wrong," Maedhros grunted.

Elrond grabbed what his foster father wanted and thoroughly soaked the corner of the linen square. His brother inched closer with the nest in his arms at the rabbit flipped over. With grey eyes wide in anticipation, Elrond touched the kit's nose with the milk-wet cloth.

To everyone's relief, the tiny brown creature latched onto the makeshift meal and eagerly sucked the hanky as if the world would end. When the cloth went dry, the kit kept sniffing around hoping for more.

"Again. Just like before," Maglor consented.

Once more, Elrond dipped the kerchief and put it to the rabbit's mouth. His brother held the rabbit firmly while it wriggled around blissfully.

"What're we gonna name him?" Elros looked up at Maglor.

"He's yours; what do you think?" Maglor replied.

The twins glanced at each other, silently agreeing.

"Lucky," they said simultaneously.

Maedhros scurried out of the room. Maglor ran after him and grabbed his brother's shoulder. "Neylo, what are you doing?"

The redhead was shaking with laughter. "I just—where do these two come up with their names?"

"I have no idea, but you and I both know that if Lucky makes it, we'll have three fireballs on our hands!" Maglor snickered.

The fluff just keeps on coming! Tell me what you think of my cheesiness. One thing I will say, the angst will be periodically coming back. (yay?) Update soon!

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