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The world was a black void. Sounds and sights began swirling around eerily; his mind couldn't figure where he was. Then, like the rush of a waterfall, he was thrust into a solid world, a world at war.

He raced around the translucent corridors, wondering where the cacophony of shrieks and clanging came from.

The battle found him first. The hallway had suddenly opened up into a great hallway crammed with faceless soldiers shredding each other with swords. They all looked the same, except that some had vaguely pointed ears.

Adding to the bloody din, thunder roared in some distant place. One of the ghostly soldiers fell by the window, letting him see the raging waves in the bay far below.

As soon as the battle had started, all sound clicked off, as if one of the unknown warriors had rendered him deaf.

He closed his eyes, thinking he had actually died. In some forgotten time, he heard someone talking to him; a woman's voice it seemed to be.

"Stay," she kept repeating.

"Who are you!?" he demanded, hoping the voice would show itself.

"It's alright; Nana's here," the voice anwered.

"MOTHER!?!?" he shrieked, eyes flying open.

He suddenly realized he was no longer at the gory pavilion, but instead in a warm, cozy room littered with toys, clothes, and overturned blankets. Before him stood what appeared to be a water spirit with its vague features and flowing blue robes.

"Who are you?" he whispered in shock.

"Ask your brother," the woman's voice said softly.

"Brother? Wait—Elros, what are you doing here?"

His brother shrugged his shoulders. Apparently, his twin was as dazed as he was.

The feminine figure floated out a window that suddenly appeared, and the world swirled back into darkness.

Elrond bolted out of bed drenched in cold sweat. "Ros! Elros, get up!" he called.

"Ron?! Oh, wait, it's you," Elros groaned, staring right into his brother's eyes.

"What just happened?" Elrond squeaked.

"Dunno! I had the scariest dream—and you were there!"

Elrond cocked his head, trying to logically sort things out. "I had the scariest dream too, and you were there!"

"How? We can't dream the same thing at the same time—right?" Elros panted.

"One way to find out," his brother shrugged, "whatcha dream about?"

"Some big palace in the middle of a battle, and then a lady kept talkin' to us," said Elros.

"Same as me!" Elrond gasped.

The boys heard a rap on the door.

"Twins? Are you alright? I heard you down the hall!" Maglor shouted from without.

Since the children didn't answer, Maglor softly opened the door.

He found the twins huddled together whispering between themselves.

"I heard shouting," Maglor whispered kindly and sat on the edge of the bed.

"We had a dream," Elros peeked out from under the blanket.

"The same one at the same time," Elrond added.

"And our Nana was there," both finished.

Maglor tried to pretend his mind wasn't reeling.
"I—I'm sure it's nothing. I really don't know much about dreams. I'm a deep sleeper. Your Nana—well, I can't explain that." He wanted to add, "Wait, you remember her?" but this was not the kind of flame he wanted to fan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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