Foster-Fatherhood 3

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As Maglor hastily gathered some basic picnic foods and shoved them in a basket, he smiled to himself. He reminisced the last time he had ever been on a picnic. His little twin brothers were only fifty years old.

"Ah, Valinor," he sighed to himself. Setting aside the past, he stood up. "Boys! Let's go!" he shouted.

The twins scrambled to answer his call. "Where we goin?" they asked in unison.

"A nearby stream. And you get to ride with me," he smiled, taking the boys and the picnic basket to the stables.

When Maglor and the little ones arrived to the mostly lonely stables, the twins could hardly contain their excitement. Maglor led them towards a lightfooted palomino stallion.

"Hi, horsey!" Elros waved at the animal, massive compared to him.

The stallion nickered and stretched out his muzzle to the child as if in understanding.

"This is Anarocco, Horse of the Sun," Maglor explained as he opened the beautiful animal's stall.

"He's really pretty!" Elrond piped up.

Maglor chuckled. "Let me get him saddled, and we'll leave for lunch."

The boys patiently waited as Maglor saddled the hunter. He took the boys and lifted them up into the front of the leather seat. 

"I wanna go fast!" Elros begged.

"Yeah, me too!" Elrond smiled.

"No," Maglor said sternly despite the smile on his face. "It'll ruin the food."

The twins looked up at him, then looked down at the horse's cream mane. As much as they wanted speed, they wanted the picnic food more.

A few minutes of cantering later, Maglor pulled the boys down and spread out a blanket. Beside them, a little stream gurgled pleasantly.

"Take Anarocco to drink while I set out the meal," the Second Son ordered.

Smiling, each boy ran up to the stallion and took him by either side of the reins, smoothly leading the hunter to the fresh clear water.

"Bye-bye, Sunny" Elrond let go and waved.

"Have fun!" Elros called. He ran behind his brother.

Anarocco flicked his tail contentedly.

By the time Elros and Elrond came back, Maglor had already littered the blanket with all sorta of dishes—cold venison, lemon tarts, fresh bread, and seasoned cheese.

"Enjoy, boys," Maglor said, beaming.

"Don't tell my brother," Elrond laughed, as Elros had beaten everyone else to the first bite.

"Leave some for me!" the adult laughed, swiping a bread roll and a slice of meat for himself.

"Elros, gimme some!" Elrond dove for the tarts first.

Not long after, the food supply was obliterated. One contented elf and two bloated little half-elves lay sprawled on the grass, lazy and giddy with sweets.

Anarocco came sniffing up to them, just to make sure his master and his new friends would still be alive to take him home.

"Alright, alright! I'm up! Let's get home, boy," Maglor stood up. The sun was quite low in the sky when the trio returned. By the time the stallion had patiently edged into the tack room, Elros and Elrond could hardly sit upright.

"Thank you, Sunny!" the twins said wearily as they patted Anarocco on the nose.

Anarocco tossed his head and whinnied as they left the stables.

"Sunny? I like it," Maglor smirked.

Shambling along tiredly, the boys managed to follow Maglor back to their shared room. He took of their sweaty riding clothes and slipped them into linen nightshirts. Peeling back the quilted covers, Maglor gently placed the children down on the bed.

"Good night, small ones," Maglor whispered.

"Night, Ada," they yawned in unison.

Maglor nodded, snuffed out the candlelight, and softly closed the door. Suddenly, he felt a knot form in his chest. Tears jumped to his eyes as he let the boys' words sink in

"Night Ada."

If they trusted him enough to call him father for the first time, Maglor decided then and there that he would love them enough to call them sons.

This is the kind of fluff I absolutely love! Sorry for the lateness; I was struck with major writer's block. Here's another milestone in the story, though! Maedhros will return soon, I swear.

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