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**This chapter is dedicated to my BFF @Kc_Brown77 **


It was a chilly day today in Vancouver, Canada. The wind had a slight chill to it, and the sky was a gloomy grey. The weather for-cast predicts rain; for the next week. Dogs are barking, kids are trying to get a few more minutes of play time in, before they're called by their mothers to come inside because it's about to rain. But a certain someone doesn't mind the rain.

Emerson Black loves the rain. She loves the coolness of it, and how it refreshes you. She loves how when it is raining, no one is outside; allowing her to walk in silence; the only sound coming from the pitter-patter of the rain hitting the tarmac of the streets. She loves how when it's raining, people always look for shelter, and lots of people choose the bookshop.

When people go in there while it's raining, it's to get away from the rain. The bookshop called 'Barrie's Books' isn't as popular as it seems. Barrie was Margaret's husband, and they both had a love for books. Together, they decided to open a bookshop; including some books from their own collection that they've read millions of times. Barrie, however, passed away four years ago to a heart attack. Margaret didn't get much business; she wouldn't work, and people forgot about the shop. Then, Emerson walked in, on a rainy day, looking for 'To Kill A Mockingbird' by Harper Lee. That gave Margaret some hope that maybe, just maybe, people will still come to her shop; whether it be with her husband or not.

That's why both Margaret and Emerson like when it rains; people who aren't originally looking for books end up buying one or two, and Emerson came, for the first time, on a rainy day. The rain keeps the business going. Even if the rain doesn't always remind her of happy memories, she still finds serenity. Margaret, however, still believes that Emerson is the reason why the bookshop is always thriving; especially when it rains. That because one young girl wanted a book on a rainy day.

So, here Emerson was; walking down the street with her hood up; her phone and earbuds in her pocket. Like you've heard before, she goes to the bookshop every day. Today she was more excited to go; Margaret would be happy with the business coming and Emerson would be happy hearing new voices, and maybe, meeting a new friend.

While one happy soul was walking down the street, another not-so-happy was rushing around; trying to make it to the coffee shop before the rain gets too heavy. He threw on his rain jacket, boots, a beanie, grabbed his house keys and then he was out the door. Locking it behind him, Harry rushed down the stairs of his building; his apartment was three floors and doesn't have elevators, which was something he didn't really like.

When he made it outside, it is raining more heavily than it was before. With a groan, Harry started semi-jogging down the street. On the route to the coffee shop, you pass 'Barrie's Books', where Emerson was currently walking to. Normally, she would stop and grab a drink—hot chocolate because she doesn't like coffee or tea—but today, she wasn't feeling it. So, she walked straight past the shop.

She was almost to the bookshop; she knew that. She could smell the coffee when she walked past the coffee shop, which was two buildings away from the bookshop. Just when she was about to walk into the doors, someone ran into her, making her fall onto the cold, wet ground.

Gasping, Harry reached down to help the woman he ever-so-rudely knocked over. When he did, he was even more shocked and annoyed at himself at the fact that the woman he knocked over was Emerson.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Harry exclaimed.

Recognizing the voice, Emerson looked up. It was Harry.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it." Emerson brushed it off. She really was alright. She was a clumsy girl herself; always knocking into things and being blind didn't make it any easier.

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