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He was nervous to have Emerson come to his house. The only time he ever had a girl over was when he and Caroline were dating. That was December. It was now April.

It had been a long four months since he last had a girl in his place of comfort. It didn't help that this was a date, either. Caroline was all about public attention. Of course, they would still watch movies and the lot, but she preferred a public setting more than anything.

Emerson is the opposite.

Harry knew this from the first moment he lay his eyes upon her. She didn't look like the type of girl who liked fancy meals and whatnot, and Harry loved that she wasn't.

When Caroline and Harry first started dating, he didn't think she would be the type who loved attention from everyone else except from him. He knew her for years, and she never gave off the vibe that she was the type of person. Throughout their relationship, he started to discover that she wanted unneeded attention. He knew everyone was different and preferred different things, but he never thought that attention from himself wouldn't suffice.

Emerson, though, doesn't like the attention. She prefers hiding in the background like she has done all her life. It's what she's used to. That's why she holds a book when she reads. That's why she doesn't have a walker to get around with. Or a dog. One might think she would prefer one or the other, but she's never had nor wanted one. She can get around quite fine on her own without the help of others.

She does, however, need Harry's help, as she is in unfamiliar territory. She was thankful when he put his hand in hers. It helped her navigate better, instead of having to try and feel his presence, and which direction it's going. She won't admit it now, but she likes holding Harry's hand.

The sky above the two was bright, but not mid-afternoon bright. It was only six-eleven now, so the sun hasn't set just yet. People back at Harry's hometown--his friends-- would usually tell him that his eyes looked the most beautiful in the sunlight. His green eyes would shine so bright and were blinding. He shook off the thought. Missing home was something he didn't want to do right now.

Harry and Emerson had now reached their destination; Harry's apartment. He guided her through the lobby, and towards the stairs. He didn't know if she preferred elevators, and another wave of nervousness hit him.

"Are you alright with taking the stairs?" he asked with unease.

Emerson nodded with a smile on her face. She didn't mind taking the stairs. She walks around all the time anyways, so a few stairs wouldn't hurt her.

Harry and Emerson both started to walk up the stairs. As they were walking, the old stairs creaked beneath them. His apartment building wasn't too old, however, allowing residents to feel safe and not as if the building would topple over at any second.

When Harry would walk into his apartment, usually it would have a cold and gloomy feeling straight away. But when he and Emerson both walked in, the place brightened a little. Sure, it may be because he bought some throw pillows and succulents.

In Harry's mind, it was all because of her.

She asked Harry if she needed to take off her shoes. The reason being that while she was growing up, her parents told her to ask just in case someone had floors they wouldn't like to dirty. It was polite.

He shook his head and told her she could do whatever it is that made her comfortable. He would very much dislike it if she was uncomfortable.

Emerson took off her dirtied white sneakers and put them right beside her feet. She was standing on what appeared to be a carpet or mat of some sort, so she kept them there. Harry, too, took of his shoes and put them beside Emerson's. When he stood straight after having been crouched down, he took notice of how close he was to her. Their proximity. He grew nervous again. Emerson hadn't failed to notice how close his presence was either. She could feel the body heat radiating off his body. It was oddly comforting.

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