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There is a moment in time when you're lost and don't know what to do. It happens more often, you see. Like when you're in the supermarket and want to buy pop tarts, but you're on a diet. Do you buy the pop tarts? You want them, but do you need them? No, but most of the time, our wants over power our needs.

Emerson was lost. She didn't know what to do. She was conflicted. Should I let him be my first kiss? Does he even want to kiss me? Do I want him to kiss me?

Harry was lost. He didn't know what to do. He was conflicted. Should I kiss her? Does she want me to kiss her? I want to kiss her. . .

Neither of them knew what to do.

Harry knew that he wanted to kiss her. He has for quite some time now. Her soft looking, rosy pink lips looked so kissable. It was cliché, but even the most cliché things can be right and describe what we're feeling.

The air was slowly beginning to turn awkward. Harry and Emerson were aware of this but made no move to separate themselves. It wasn't too awkward, but awkward enough that Emerson was beginning to freak out on the inside. She hoped Harry couldn't see it, but so far, her wishes haven't come true.

Harry opened his eyes that were closed in anticipation but opened again when he heard what sounded like a whimper. He was face to face with Emerson and could clearly see how panicked she was getting. Her hands were shaking, and her bottom lip had a slight tremble to it.

"Hey, heyyy. Emerson. Open your eyes. It's alright, baby," he cooed. The word slipped from his mouth before he could even comprehend it; his eyes widening.

Emerson opened her previously closed eyes wide at the name. The only people who have ever called her such affectionate names were her Blaise and Athira --her parents-- Amelia and Margaret. She could now add Harry to that list.

"We don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with, okay?" Harry said to calm her nerves. He hated that she was panicking in general, but what he hated the most was that he didn't know why.

Did I get too close to her? Has she never been around any male like this before?

Harry went with the latter. He remembers Emerson saying that she had never had a boyfriend or anything of the sort, so maybe that was the reason she was in a state of panic.

"I'm sorry, I just-- I haven't-- this is-- I--" she stammered.

If she was panicking before, she sure was now.

Emerson turned her head away from Harry, thus breaking the bubble they were in. Harry grabbed her chin with his hand softly and turned her head towards him. When her head was fully turned, he grabbed her cheek with his hand.

"It's okay, Emerson. It's okay," Harry was trying his hardest to make her understand that it really was okay. He didn't mind that she wasn't ready to take that step. He would wait forever if it meant that she was comfortable and happy.

If it were to happen, he wouldn't want her to regret it later in life. First times were always special.

Wait. Has she had her first kiss, but she wasn't in a relationship when it happened?

All these thoughts and questions were distracting Harry from the task at hand. He regained his focus on Emerson and seen she was much calmer. He knew this because her head was tilted more into his hand that was cupping her cheek and her eyes were closed.

Emerson took deep breaths to calm herself fully and once she was calmed, her eyes opened.

"Are you feeling better now?" Harry asked cautiously.

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