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After Harry and Emerson's breakfast date and trip to Harry's apartment, the two of them decided to head back to Emerson's apartment. They had loads of fun once again together. It was like second nature to laugh and make jokes with the other. They have not known each other long, but with the way they interact, you'd think they were friends since birth.

Once Harry had made the confession about why he would choose to be a lion, the two decided to head to a park that Emerson and Amelia had discovered one day. They were out strolling and exploring for Emerson's sake when she had just moved in with Amelia.

Emerson lived in Arbutus Ridge which is located on the west side of Vancouver, while Chris and Amelia lived closer to downtown Vancouver, the south-eastern side of Vancouver.

The Black family and the Wither family—Chris and Amelia— never seen much of each other aside from holiday get-together's around Thanksgiving or Christmas. Other than that, you would rarely see them around each other.

They didn't dislike each other; they were far from that. The busy schedules, lack of time and having a child is what caused the lack of socializing between the families. Athira and Amelia would chat on the phone once in a while and talk for hours on end before duty called to Athira.

Emerson moving in with Amelia was a change of scenery, but it wasn't a bad change. The main thing Emerson likes about where she lives is that even though it can be loud at times depending on what part of the city you're in, the people are nice and there's loads of things to do. Go to a park, for example.

Harry and Emerson took a seat on the swings and if they couldn't be more perfect for one another, the swings were the thing they both enjoyed the most at a park.

"Give me a push, Emerson," Harry said to her. Emerson giggled and moved behind Harry; locating the chains of the swing to help guide her. She put her hands flat on Harry's back and with all her might, she pushed.

She didn't push as hard as she thought, because the next thing you know, Harry is laughing.

"Oh, come on, baby. You can do better that that," he encouraged her.

Emerson huffed and once again put her hands flat on his back. At first, she thought it was a little weird, but Harry didn't seem to might. Not forgetting the fact that in order to push someone on a swing, you have to touch their back.

She gave one big push and the swing moved more than the last time.

"Whooo! I feel on top of the world!" Harry yelled with his arm spread out, a huge dimpled grin across his face. Emerson laughed; a sound that Harry wishes he would hear on replay. He would never get tired of her laugh.

Emerson loved hanging around Harry. He made her feel things she had never felt before and she was having mixed feelings about it.

On one hand, she loved that she had found someone she could call a friend. Even though they had been on a date that usually couples would do or people who were romantically interested in one another. She was sure Harry didn't feel the same way about her as she did with him. She didn't even know what she looked like or if she was even remotely attractive. The unknown; scary.

One the other hand, she was scared that if she got too attached to him, he would wound up leaving her. Her parents were taken from her in the most tragic way possible. To some, it may not be as terrible as some other forms of dying, but it was the pure coincidence of how they died that shook Emerson to the core. She didn't want to be left alone again.

Emerson's phone started to ring, startling both Harry and Emerson from the shrill sound of the ringtone.

She felt around in her pocket for the desired item before pulling it out. She knew from Amelia's help that she had to press the button on the right of the screen, the left side button being the decline button.

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