The Night Before: The Boy

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Liam drifted asleep and scenes of the night before played vividly and wildly through his mind.

*Flashback/Dream: It started with Liam entering the new night club (The Flamingo) at about 8:30 PM. He had just got off from work a few hours prior and needed to get his mind off things. He immediately ordered a beer, bloody mary, vodka and a shot of whiskey, which he chugged as he waited for Andy to arrive. They were to meet at 8:40. The clock now read 8:50.

"Where is that guy (Andy)," Liam said to himself. He went to the washroom to relieve himself and as he walked out, he bumped into the boy;

the boy with hazel eyes that melted like honey; the boy with a jawline so defined, that it could cut the tension in any room; the boy with those bright, pink lips, whose edges would curl all the way up to his eyes when he smiled; the boy who would crinkle his nose and stick is tongue out slightly when he laughed; the boy he fell so in love with at first sight.

"Oh shit sorry," Liam muttered softly, but loud enough for him to hear.

"S'alright mate," the boy replied cheerfully with a smile, "No big deal"

"Damn," Liam thought to himself, "that boy is gorgeous."

Liam never thought about being gay, until now. He didn't mind the thought of it really, he just never was gay before, so it was all new to him. He was quite shocked at first, but he liked the idea.

Liam wandered aimlessly around the club, occasionally stopping to grab a drink, but wasn't paying attention to anything around him. All he could think about was the boy he ran into and how smooth his words sounded, how beautiful he looked, and how his eyes melted whilst they gazed at each other. He pinpointed the accent to be from Bradford.

After exploring the club for about an hour, he ran into Andy.

"Hey bro, where have you been?" Andy asked Liam.

Liam couldn't think of an answer on the spot so just told him that he got stuck in traffic and was late.

They grabbed a few drinks and shared a few laughs until about 10:30 PM, when Andy left, because he has some meeting tomorrow morning blah blah business talk.

Upon Andy's departure, Liam explored some more, hoping to find the boy somewhere.

After a few rounds of beer pong, the boy came and asked if he could join with Liam. Of course, Liam said "Sure."

Liam wasn't too drunk yet, for he had only played a few rounds of pong.

"What's your name?" Liam asked.

"Zayn. Zayn Malik," Zayn replied, "and you?"

"Liam. Liam Payne, but you can call me Li," he said with a soft giggle.

After a couple of rounds, the two were quite wasted and hit the dance floor.

The DJ was playing some sort of techno music, and Liam and Zayn danced.

After about an hour, it struck midnight and in The Flamingo, Zayn was grinding on Liam. A few songs later, Liam whispered into Zayn's ear and said that it would be best to take this back to his hotel and Zayn's ears burned a bright shade of pink and his cheeks flamed at those words, as he nodded in agreement.

As they entered the hotel room, Zayn, eyes filled with lust, pushed Liam, whose eyes were now a darker shade of brown, to the wall. As they pressed their lips toget-

The blaring sound of Liam's alarm interrupted his dream once more. Frustrated by the rude intrusion, Liam sat up.

"Where's Zayn?" He thought to himself. "OH his name is Zayn!" Liam said to himself excitedly, as he turned to the other side of the bed.

Zayn wasn't there.

Liam began to worry. What if he left?

"Zayn?" Liam called out.

No response.

"Hello? Zaaaaayn" Liam cooed.

Zayn's head appeared from the bathroom door, "Oh, hey Li. Good morning! I was just shaving and getting washed up."

Liam glanced at the clock that rested on the bedside table. 11:30 AM

"You hungry?" Liam called out to Zayn.

"Yeah...," Zayn replied, eyes glued to the mirror as he styled his hair.

"I know most people treat this as a one night stand, but how about we go grab some breakfast?" Liam said, kicking himself for saying the first half of the sentence aloud.

Zayn chuckled, "Sure thing Li, I'd love to get to know you better as well."

Liam's heart fluttered at his words. "I'd love to get to know you better" replayed through his mind a billion times. Oh, how Liam adored Zayn's accent.

"Will you be ready to leave in, lets say 15 minutes?"


"And is iHop fine by you?" Liam asked, hoping Zayn would say yes, since this was his favourite breakfast place.

"Yeah of course," Zayn said, still staring at the mirror. "Oh, I also borrowed a shirt. Hope you don't mind."


Hehehe they're sharing clothes yaaas (:

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