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I hoisted down from my horse, my narrowed eyes inspecting the village in the distance. What was about this unknown pack that many became agitated due to it?

I vaguely remembered my bedtime stories. Ones that consisted of horror-stricken and dark tales. I heard that the old alpha of the Valiant Pack was lion-hearted yet good-natured. But when his son took over all of that changed. No longer was the pack famous for its tender and considerate qualities. Slowly but gradually it became infamous for its vicious and ferocious idiosyncrasy and aspects.

My attention reversed back to the dreary and monotonous village. Its structure differed from ours. The houses were constructed of bricks and the size also created a distinction. It was slightly bigger than ours and I quickly discerned the lack of people in the perimeter as I travelled further on feet.

I motioned for the horse to turn back around and after a while of looking fixedly at me, it made a noise which I assumed as disapproval and I waited patiently until she disappeared out of my night to make sure there wasn't any danger lurking around the area.

I strapped my sword on my back, which unsurprisingly was crafted by elves hundred of years ago. Another gift from my alpha for passing another gruesome and bloody test.

Once I made sure the sword was out of view, I patted the blades in my high boots, sighing in satisfaction. 'Let's get this over with.' I muttered in exhilaration, the feeling of delirium returning.

Putting my plan into work, I withdrew one of my sharper blades and dragged it across my palm, watching the blood pool around in fascination. The blood dripped sideways and I did the same to my arm and neck, drawing out shallow cuts.

I ran my hands through my hair, restrained in a ponytail to disarray it. Much to my utter dissatisfaction, I also rolled in the sand, the scorching heat of it attacking my body and I contently observed the red bruises forming on my filthy body. I rubbed some blood from my cuts onto my forehead groaning in distaste.

I stood up, taking a deep breath in, I rehearsed my purely fake back story. I progressed towards the village, in elation.

Immediately I detected the guards standing outside, which I failed to perceive before. Their faces were set in a hard gaze as their eyes scanned the circumference around. There were about 15 of them situated.

I hid behind the boulder, biting my lip. I noted expeditiously that these men weren't that bulky but rather had a figure of an athlete. That still didn't change the fact that they had muscles. The alpha was smart, I remarked because that way the guards can fight and push along with having the advantage of agility plus speed on their side.

I swiftly calculated in my head the outcome of a situation if I barged in their view and started ambushing them.

I was sure I can take out half of them with my wolf but all of them? It seems rather unlikely. My eyes found what they were seeking for and my gaze locked on one man that seemed way too alerted. His stance radiated power and I figured out that he's the beta.

Before I revealed myself, I made sure my scent was hidden. I had done this beforehand but I had to act at a rapid pace because this trick could only last for a few days minimum or a week or two maximum.

My wolf was growling in excitement. I stumbled forward briskly attracting cautious and ruthless eyes. I released a sob, my body lurching forward in a heap. I heard several growls and from the corner of my tear-filled eyes, I noticed a guard changing into his wolf and charging at me.

I cursed inwardly, bracing myself for the attack. The things I do for that son of a bitch really hurt my pride.

I looked up sadly and in fake shock as the large brown wolf ran towards me in full speed. However before he could claw at me, another wolf stepped in between me and him, pushing the attacker away fiercely.

I glanced in awe at the light brown in front of me, he was larger in size than the other one. My defender growled loudly at the wolf. The wolf immediately lowered its head, whimpering faintly and backing away.

By the sheer amount of power in his growl, I knew it was the beta. Since he helped me, I might go easy on him later. I could not say the same for the attacker though.

I whimpered, frightened and a hand roughly grabbed me from the arm, pulling me up. It was the beta. My eyes travelled down for a mere second before I cried out in despair.

'Who are you and what is your business here?' He questioned in a formal voice, his voice holding an edge of hardness to it.

'I don't know.' I whispered lowly, my tears falling down. 'I don't remember anything.'

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously and I could tell he was mind linking the alpha. Good.

I took this time to observe his features. The goddess obviously gifted this man looks. He had light brown hair and light hazel eyes that were now focused on my cuts and bruises. I grinned inwardly.

A moment later, he again asked, 'What do you mean 'you can't remember anything'?

I refrained from retorting a response like, 'What do you think, you idiotic son of a douche, it usually means that I'm blank. No memory. Nada.'

I remained my quiet and replied in a fragile voice, 'My memory is blank. I have no past recollections.'

He was silent for some time looking at me warily, before his voice flowed out again, 'Alright, what's your name then?'

I shook my head, indicating I had no knowledge of that either.

He frowned deeply, his gaze still distrustful. He gestured the guards towards with and they came rushing forward to take hold of my arms. I took a quick glance and the brown wolf wasn't in sight.

My head was hung down in terror. My hair was shielding the eyes trailing my every move.

Any outsider looking at me would have pity, sympathy reflecting in their eyes. They would see an insecure girl, a girl afraid to raise her eyes and face the world around her. A girl who was thought of as a weakling.

Little did they know that this girl would be the cause of the destruction awaiting them in the near future.

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