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'You only live twice, once when you're born and once you look death in the face.'-Ian Fleming.


I silently watched as they shoved me harshly into a cell, the bars made up solely of silver. The cell was dark and smelt of sweat, dust and blood.

My body simultaneously became aware of another presence within the restraints of this cell.

'Sit.' The Beta grunted, reaching across me to open a cachet attached to the wall. I found myself immensely relieved when the dazzling rays of sunlight touched my skin and my panicky eyes met someone else's halfway through my inspection of the room.

His expression alone brought me enough levity for the day. I chuckled inside, waving at Kayden with my hidden hand. His facial features morphed from horror and disturbance to anxious in less than a second.

I hurriedly raised my gaze to the Beta who seemed absorbed in his thoughts, standing rigid in the middle of the cell.

I walked over and sat down in the corner, tilting my head back a little resting it against the stone walls. My movements alerted the Beta from his sinking contemplation and he rubbed a hand through his light pigmented hair, staring at me for a moment before he opened his mouth. 'The alpha will be here in a while to...ask some necessary questions. Don't try anything.' At the last phrase, He turned his head to look fixedly at Kayden.

Kay coughed into his shoulder, concealing his red cheeks. I bit my lips to keep away from asking a question since I was genuinely overcome by curiosity.

I heard the door close and in a second when I made sure the Beta wasn't in sight, Kayden was choking with my hand wrapped around his throat against the wall. His feet were barely touching the cold grounds.

'I didn't m-mean to-' He gasped, beyond frantic for his life.

'Shut up! You didn't mean to, what? Betray the pack again?' I shook my head in distaste, my hand tightening.

I looked carefully at him and released him when he was struggling to breathe. 'You don't get it! I don't belong there! I don't like how things revolve around him, how things are done around there! I don't want to live with blood on my hands every other day like you!'

He was full on yelling in despair now. 'You don't care about the innocent lives you're taking whenever he needs his dirty work done. I do.' I took in a shuddering breath in and my eyes flashed red once again. 'The truth hurts Adria but it's a fact. You were made for this. Born for this. I wasn't made for killing or ruling. I cannot be an Alpha. I don't have what it takes to be a proper Alpha! And no, I never did nor will I care if I disappoint that bastard of a father.' He spat resentfully. 'Not that I didn't already disappoint him.' He added as an afterthought.

He was rambling now, letting his fury let loose. I just listened attentively. After he concluded his speech, I flicked my nail on his forehead in dislike, tsking out loud and earning a loud yelp from him.

'You idiot. You're just nineteen. No one is pressuring you to be an Alpha yet. And the jurisdiction, the hell of a strict ruling you're talking about? Well, news flash but all that can change.' His eyebrow raised in a questioning manner and I rolled my eyes at his lack of common sense.

'When you take the position of an Alpha, nothing in the past will matter. You'll make the rules not your father. Change them to your liking.' I responded softly, then grimaced at the tone of my voice and the amount of sympathy it held.

'Gosh, being near you is making me soft too.' I lightly smacked his chest, receiving a hint of laughter from him.

Just then I became aware of the sharp sound of keys rattling and snapped my gaze to the bars where I could see the blurred outlines of a figure opening the door.

'Don't you dare speak nonsense.' I whispered harshly to him. 'The sooner you act decently, the better you have chances to escape.'

I settled in the corner once again, my eyes darting to the figure instantaneously as he or she made its presence known by the light tread of boots on the hard concrete. I could almost taste the cogent power leaking through the figure.

The Alpha.

I cocked my head to the side in evaluation when the stature stepped forward in the shadows of the light. I contained the gasp that threatened to release itself. My wolf was howling in distress and gaiety at the same time.

The alpha had jet black hair that glinted silver in the scanty light and familiar dark blue eyes that seem to be fixed directly on Kayden.

The blue eyes then slowly shifted to me and I noticed them widen an inch before they narrowed in scepticism.

'You're the Alpha, Bryan?' I questioned almost lazily, motioning towards him. His name rolled off my tongue too easily.

His face had contorted into surprise before he masked again with a neutral expression under a millisecond.

'Adria.' He greeted formally, visibly stiff.

I ran a hand through my hair, cocking an eyebrow up. 'There's no need to be formal with me Bryan. After all after that night..' I trailed off, amused at the slight panic mien forming on his face.

'That's enough.' He spoke firmly and bluntly, 'I'm not here to have a casual conversation. Tell me, Adria, what's your reason for your ridiculous lies?'

'Ridiculous lies that your idiots believed.' I corrected him and saw his eyes turned black for a second. 'You know, you ought to have better security. I'm still wondering how your pack is considered the vilest one around when I only see fools which- I'm sorry- you hired everywhere.'

I internally smirked in delight when I saw his face twist into one of furious.

I lightly breathed out in surprise when I felt Bryan grab my neck tightly and shove me against the concrete walls. 'You do realize you're defying and provoking an Alpha, someone who wouldn't think twice to easily obliterate your pack with my fighters?' 

'I think your luck may have or may not have finished with those morons running around.' I indicated the guards with my finger forming in the shape of a gun and I flicked my two of my fingers in the air producing a hissing sound of a gunshot. I then moved forward to pat his arm in fake pity.

The pressure of his hand wrapped around my delicate neck loosened from his disbelief and I could feel the fresh waves of rage emitting from him.

I took advantage of this fact and pushed him back with my palms up to lessen the area so that the pressure increased and his feet were dragged back a few feet with my force. I saw Kayden with my peripheral vision and he was unsurprisingly cowering in the corner with his eyes covered and palms over his face. I distinctly heard the words, 'God.' And 'Help.'

Before Brian could get a shot at me, I held a manicured hand up, my black polished nails glinting in the dim light. My eyes ran over them slowly and spoke casually, 'I have a deal.'

I frowned distastefully when I noticed the chipped nail of my index finger. Damn, I can never escape these horrors. My eyes locked with Brian's stormy eyes as he was about to bark back.

'Nuh uh. I'm not done, pretty boy. Let Kayden out of this hell hole or else I'll inform everyone about our little secret.' I secretly winked at the word 'secret.'

Brian's posture tensed and he was gazing at me with an absolute fire burning in his blue eyes. This confirmed the thoughts that were whirling around in my mind. He didn't prefer being at a disadvantage.

'No.' Just as he was about to leap at me again in a rage, an interruption arose.

Just then the Beta entered in, his face masked in curiosity. 'Am I late?'

My eyes which returned to Brian a second later were full of mischief. I flicked my raven black hair back, running my tongue over my dry lips and opened my mouth wide to shout out the words.

As if Brian knew what was I about to perform, he shouted in panic, 'I agree.'

A smirk of victory highlighted my face.  

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