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   If Tsuyu is being honest, she would normally much rather be out with a solid team, searching for ways to find her lost friends and fellow heroes-in-training.  As it stands, however, the frog-type Quirk wielder finds the meeting very informative.

   Not only has the same disinegration of her friends also happened to others all over the world– to many innocents, heroes, and villains alike– but it all happened at once.  One massive, clearly structured or planned attack.  The unsettling feeling of someone orchestrating the entire thing makes Tsuyu feel nauseous.  Despite her strong urge to find Midoriya and the others, Tsuyu sits and waits, nerves on edge, as the respresentatives all report the state of their countries.  Evidently, China seems to have had a contigency plan in case anything like this happened, and luckily their leader did not disappear with the rest.  Australia is governing okay, but the Americas and Russia are struggling; basically, both Russia's current and backup leaders both disappeared, and the vigilantes are trying to keep the country from spiraling into internal war as different commanders try to vie for dominance.  Tsuyu feels bad for Izelda and Grisha– for all their toughness, the girl can clearly see that the two are fighting to keep order even mere days after the attack.  Since most of the American hero team dubbed the Avengers disappeared off the face of the earth (which Tsuyu thinks may not be that far of a stretch, with Russel's report of a giant floating spaceship appearing over an American city that same day), North America is working around the clock to both take care of its citizens and locate the heroes as soon as possible. Tsuyu admits she doesn't keep up with the happenings in other countries– especially America– as much as she probably should.

   The gathering takes roughly three hours, between the reports coming from the different major countries and strategies moving forward, and Tsuyu is suddenly glad that Bakugo wasn't told of this meeting.  She knows he would have immediately blown up with the long conversation.  The girl isn't sure whether to be sad or amused that she can clearly picture Bakugo exploding in the face of some of the most important people in the world, hearing him say how they should "take action instead of sitting around like some stupid extras" as he would probably put it oh-so-eloquently.

   As the delegates say their goodbyes, the students beside Tsuyu all begin to loosen their shoulders, feeling the tension of being surrounded by the rigid representatives drain away.  But while many of the holograms fade away, the three screens displaying the Russians, the Australian, and the Chinese woman inflate slightly.  Tsuyu watches Todoroki imperceptably straighten a few spaces down the line of students from her.  The older people on the screens look at each other and nod in understanding before turning to face All Might and Aizawa.  Tsuyu feels Ashido melt in place beside her at the side of Izelda's gentle smile, and the girl takes the opportunity to really look at the men and women in front of her.

   Izelda has a youthful face, her honey-brown eyes complimenting her pale complexion and blonde hair nicely.  She has an overcoat on, as does Grisha, and she remembers reading somewhere that Russia is cold most of the time.  Grisha, himself, seems to be a bit older; he wears thin glasses that make his dark brown eyes appear bigger, and has brown hair the same color as his short beard.  Jiao sports short black hair and dark eyes, and she wears a simple, but decorated, brown sweater.  John Brown is by far the youngest in age, Tsuyu decides.  The man has kind blue eyes and thick blond hair and he wears a cream-colored shirt, leading her to believe he isn't really a government official.  It's in the way he holds himself.

   "At ease, young students."  Izelda assures, adjusting her own posture so she seems more comfortable.  Tsuyu understands Ashido's apparent like for the woman– she clearly has a business side and a relaxed, more personal face that is much different from her former attitude. Ashido noticed this quickly, so she must be attuned to the woman's habits and feel more comfortable around her. Grisha chuckles as he inspects the U.A. heroes-in-training.

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