Niam Horayne - Fall Into My Arms Instead

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Niam -Fall into my arms instead

Hey Guys! Time for my second BoyxBoy One shot woohoo! This one is Niam which I find absolutely adorable! I could just ramble on about how cute they are but I won't! Hope you all enjoyed the Larry one and I hope I can keep writing more if you all enjoy them! Anyway, Fan,Comment do what you feel like! :D 

I headed upstairs after a lazy morning in the flat with the boys, I am a little distraught I may add as I haven’t seen Niall for a few hours. I head up to his room and knock on the door, “Nialler” I hear sobbing so I decide to just barge in. “Niall!” I run over and wrap him in my arms. “Shhh Hey what’s wrong” he hands me his phone and I look at the tweets. “@1DGirlForeverxoxo Niall, You’re so ugly you don’t deserve to be in the band #NiallLeaveOneDirection”

I gasp, This is horrible Niall hasn’t even done anything so I log off and I decide to tweet “@NiallOfficial Everyone Leave him alone, He hasn’t done anything and I think it is rude and offensive you all treating Niall this  bull #ILoveNiall” I smile and hope that he likes my tweet. I log out and hand him his phone when it vibrates in his hands and I peek over his phone to see My tweet showing up in his texts. He smiles and then pulls me in for a huge. “Thanks Li” I smile “No need to thank me mate, you are my best friend and I would do anything for you”

I grab his hand and we head downstairs and neither of us really think much into the fact that we are holding hands until we get to the lounge and all the boys are either whistling or yelling “Get in there liam!” I laugh and Niall blushes. “Guys! There is nothing going on” I see Harry whispering to Louis and I head a mumbled “yeah right”

In my head its going crazy wishing there was actually something going on between me and niall but he is waiting for his princess and I want to be here as his best friend because I know he isn’t looking for anything more in me. I drop his hand and then he looks up at me with puppy eyes “Li could you possibly grab me some food” I laugh “Really Niall more food” I grab a bag of chips out of the cupboard and we all plonk down on the couch. Zayn is the first to speak “Uggg Im bored” we all nod until Louis yells “Let’s play truth or dare!” we all nod in approval.

Ok Louis starts I look at Louis “Truth or Dare?” “DARE” I laugh I have this one in the bag “Kiss Harry” He laughs “That’s Easy, Come here gorgeous!” Louis and Harry are having a little snog buts it’s kind of normal as they are trying to figure out if they want to become something more. “Liam Truth or dare” Louis yells “Dare” I then cringe at my decision “I dare you to give Niall a peck” Dammit I should have realised he would have done something like that “He can’t back down” Louis has a big grin on his face and then Zayn,Harry and Louis all hi five and Harry says “Go on Li, We know you want to” I quickly lean into Niall and peck his lips.

I swear I just felt sparks I don’t know if that was a dream but I think I will have to figure that out later. We finish playing truth or dare nothing else really happen’s and the boys all head out the door “Bye guys” niall and I both wave at the doorstep. We both head inside and before I know it Niall has his lips crashing against mine, I am shocked but I kiss him back. He pulls back “So you do have some kind of connection” I smile at the ground .

I grab Niall’s hand. “Niall I have something to say” He smiles “Yeah me too” We both say in unison “I think I’m bi” we both smile and I grab his face in my hands, “Niall I love you” He smiles “I love you to Li” I grab his hand and lead him up to the bedroom and as we go we are both taking off our shirts and I push him down on the bed and straddle him and we kiss very passionately and rough like we have some kind of desperation and he grants my tongue entrance as we fight for dominance before I realise Niall grabs my pants “Off with these” I unbutton mine as he does his and he places his hands down my pants and starts rubbing my hard member, I start groaning so I decide to rub his from the outside and we are both moaning and he starts pumping me in which I have to stop pleasuring him and I go out of control moaning and then he stops so I start at him then I look into his eyes “You don’t know how long I have waited for this” 

We both look into each other’s eyes and I could stay there forever looking into my loves eyes. “Niall will you become my boyfriend” he lets out a screech “Yes I would love that!” he attaches his lips back to mine and I decide to move my mouth down towards his neck and I give him a little peck on his neck and realise he will have a nice love bite there tomorrow he groans and I head back down and take his boxers off with me and I place his hard member in my mouth and I start sucking and Niall’s hips buckle in towards me and I am feeling really turned on and then Niall starts to chant “Liam, I’m going to cum”

I swallow and let the taste linger on my tongue and work my way back up to his lips and he feels pulls me in closer so there is no space between us. I think it’s your turn I smile as he works his way down towards my hard member and I cringe and he takes it in his mouth and swirls it around completely turning me on and I cum in his mouth which he licks up and works back up to my lips and we both pull back “Wow”

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