Lirry - I Love You More Than This

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Lirry – I Love You More Than This

Hi again everyone! Another update today I'm working hard to keep updating before exams so you all have something to read! Anyway hope they are all up to a good standard and I haven't made any silly mistakes I hope! Doing my best to have serious plot lines and not just silly little ones and that but Hope you are enjoying the One Shots! thanks everyone! Comment,Fan do what you want :D

I sat down on my bed, My brain is going wild I just can’t think about what I want, I don’t know what I want. Feelings should be easy, when it comes to girls I know what I want I mean I have a type and all but I just having been looking at girls the same. It’s weird I mean I’m Harry Styles what can I say shouldn’t that yell straight! From the top of my lungs, no it doesn’t I have been having weird feelings like really weird feelings.

My brain is stirring I already established I don’t know what I want but I want to make a move and follow what my heart is telling me but I mean what happens if it doesn’t go to plan? I will just end up in square one again and then again not knowing what I want. To make it easy to write down I will just admit I have been looking at Liam in ways that aren’t like best friend ways. I look at him and my heart skips a beat and I start to blush.

I don’t think he has noticed yet but it must be getting obvious I mean I can’t even look him in the eye and talk to him anymore I feel like my body is just going to go crazy like putting two opposite magnets together and they repel and shake and go all crazy well that’s like me around Liam Payne. I don’t think I’m gay I can’t be but there is something about Liam. I hear footsteps and chuck my journal under the bed.

“Hazza you in there?” “Yeah” Louis strolls in and sits on the end of the bed. “Haz I know there is something up with you, all the boys do so they elected me to come and talk to you about it.” I must look like a possum in the head lights right now they suspect something that’s not always a good sign. “Nothing’s wrong I am honestly fine” then Louis looks straight into my eyes “Harry I know when you’re lying” Dammit he does have me on that one.

“Look Boo I love you heaps and that but I just can’t explain it to anyone and I don’t even know what it is about” He shook his head “Harry you are going to tell me or I will start making assumptions” I laugh, His assumptions always end bad. “Look ok I will tell you but you cannot tell anyone.” “My trap will be shut” So I began explaining to Louis what I have been feeling and it feels better to get it off my chest.

I finish with the words “Boo I think I like Liam Payne in more than a friend way” He gives me a hug “I knew it! I guessed that one” He danced around when he came back down off his high carrot or horse I don’t even know he was being a little crazy. “I have an idea” he spoke to me. I shook my head, Louis plans are never ever good. “No Louis you are not going to do anything!” He chuckled “Oh yes I am” and with that he ran out of the room.

“Louis get back here!” I ran down after him and straight down the stairs and oof I am now lying on the ground. I look up to see Liam looking distressed “Li, I’m soo sorry” He just laughed and pulled me up “all good, accidents happen” he looked gorgeous with his morning hair and still looking like he was half asleep. Grr Harry stop it! I mentally yell at myself. “Thanks Li” I stroll on my way before he realises I’m blushing. “Bye Li, Bye Haz” the other 3 boys get up and leave. I shake my head at Louis and I run over and punch him “What are you doing” I yell into his ear “I’m giving you and Liam some space” He smirked and led the other boys out of the house.

I am going to go stir crazy sitting in Louis and I’s flat with Liam round. I hear Li’s voice “Harry do you want me to go too? I don’t mind I don’t even know why they left?” I shake my head “You’re welcome to stay if you want” He smiled sweet as I will just grab my clothes from upstairs and we could watch a movie or something?” I smile “Yeah sweet as” All the boys stayed around last night because Louis told me they wanted to get to the bottom of my problem. Liam came down looking very handsome, Dammit Harry. I grab some strawberries and Liam plonks down on the couch and I sit next to him.

“What movie Li?” he turns to look at me “We are not watching a move, You are going to explain what’s wrong” I look down “It’s alright Li I am honestly fine” He makes a grr noise at me “No you’re not and your my best friend but you won’t tell me what’s up that’s a bit unfair isn’t it?” I nod. “Look Li, Ok you know what I will tell you” He smiled “Good we have all afternoon”

“Liam, Firstly I would like to apologise for being weird lately I have just been having problems with what I want in life but there is one thing I have figured out now in which is why I am feeling a bit better now I’m sorry if you find this uncomfortable but I have to tell you, Liam payynnnee I like you as more than a friend” I waited for him to get up and leave but then I felt a sweet peck on my lips.

Liam just kissed me?!? I kissed back and then pulled back “Liam?” He smiled “That’s the best news I have heard all month, I have had feelings for you for the past month and I just didn’t know how to show them either” He pulled my cheeks forward and placed another kiss on my lips. His tongue begged for entrance which I well and truly granted and we were on the couch in a steamy make out when the door opened and I heard cheers from the other 3 boys Liam and I turned and gave them a smile as they walked out again.

That was weird. Liam grabbed my hand and started leading me upstairs. “Harry do you want to take this to the bedroom” I smirked “There is nothing I would like more” He pushed me down onto the bed and we both stripped out of our shirts and she started nibbling along my neck leaving love bites and he worked his way down to take my pants and calvin kleins off and I did the same to him as we started grinding up against each other. “I love you Harry” I smiled “I love you too Liam” 

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