chapter 2

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Pidge carefully crept on board of the Galra ship with the rest of the paladins, turning the green lion's camouflage feature on. They all climbed off.

"Alright, Hunk and Pidge, look for the control room," Shiro decided, his voice travelling to the paladin's helmets, "Keith, Lance, and I, will start looking around."

Hunk and Pidge nodded, quietly walking off in search of the control room.

"So where we headed first?" Lance said, looking at the black paladin.

Shiro looked thoughtful, glancing at the two of them. Their helmets suddenly lit up with the sound of Hunk's voice.

"Hey, we found the control room. Pidge is working on hacking into their system. She'll send you a map or something."

On queue, a small digital map appeared on screen and Pidge began speaking.

"I'm in! Alright, the first floor is just simple drones, nothing important. The second floor seems to have guards and a prison, so that's where mainly everyone will be. But then there's a third floor- I can't tell what's up there. You'll have to be careful."

"Got it, thanks Pidge," Keith said, turning to Shiro, "What's the plan?"

"Alright, let's head to the prison first. We'll free as many as possible and send them away in the escape pods with coordinates to the castle. After that, we can go to the third floor and find out what's up there." Shiro decided, beginning to sneak away as the two boys followed, dodging drones.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

The monstrosity hit me like a truck and I flew back into a wall, crying out. I stood up again and dusted myself off, looking up in horror as the Galra beast lifted a weapon between a sword and laser gun, firing at me as I lept to the side. I felt the blast shoot right by my head and my eyes widened in terror, knowing I had only narrowly dodged it. I rolled and stood again, running towards them.

"Go Laser Blade!" The majority of the audience yelled.

That must be it's... his... her...? Whatever, name.

"Go new champion!" I heard a few prisoner's weakly call under the roar of the opposing audience, and continued running, my robotic leg powering me faster.

Why do they call me that...?

Laser Blade lifted it's massive sword as I approached, charging it up with a blast and slamming it down on me. I shrieked in horror and planted my Galra tech foot, dodging the blade but still thrown back by the lasers. I flew back and skidded across the ground, bleeding as I dug my robotic hand into the ground to stop myself from going further. The druids seemed to remove another part of my body every time I defeated one of their winning gladiators. I had defeated two of them so far, hence the robotic arm and leg.

I hate this place...

I stood up and cracked my neck.

I hate these damn Galra...

I noticed that Laser Blade had their blade stuck in the ground from missing me, and smirked as I began running towards it again.

"Now you get to know what it feels like, bitch!" I screamed, my sanity starting to slip as I raised my arm to strike what I hoped would be the final blow.

You deserve everything that you're about to feel...

A collective gasp rang throughout the crowd.

A/N: Aaaaaand scene! Enjoying the cliffhangers?

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