chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Had it all been a dream...? Had the paladins of Voltron really not saved me…?

I was back in the Galra ship, by hands cuffed behind my back as two Galran sentries forcibly escorted me down the hallway.

I struggled briefly, annoyed by their rough treatment, and began raising my voice,"Oi! Purple furries! Mind telling me what the fuck you think you're doing dragging me in this godforsaken-"

"Shut up, A-57012E84K, before we have to put a muzzle on you," one of the Galra growled at me, silencing me with a harsh slap across my face. I stumbled slightly and quickened my pace to keep up, further irritated as I glared at them.

Do these dumbass anthropomorphic mutts really not realize they're the things that look like they need muzzles?

The telltale stinging on my cheek told me that a mark was already forming from their hand. The sound of fighting drifted to my ears; screams of pain, clashing of metal on metal, the occasional excited uproar of the crowd that followed a particularly violent move or death, the sobbing and wailing of prisoners being sent to battle for their lives. My stomach twisted into a knot and I scowled.

What monster will I face this time?

I, or we if you want to include the guards dragging me, arrived at the gladiator arena. They uncuffed me and shoved me into the arena before I could protest, the gate sliding down behind me and trapping me in. I grunted as I stumbled slightly, clenching my hands into fists in front of me and locking up my knees, eyes wide like a deer in headlights. I could feel the judgmental yellow gazes of the Galra piercing me from every direction, and I bit my lower lip, the knot in my stomach tightening. The entire arena smelt of blood and my posture trembled as I tried to keep my head up, ignoring all the whispers of the alien observers. The gate opposite from me slid open and I inhaled sharply, watching as my opponent was pushed into the gladiator arena. My eyes widened further and I did a double take at who I saw.

It's… her…

A human girl stood across from me, her expression a mirror image of my own. She had medium-length, wavy blonde hair, and her skin was fair. Her light brown eyes were wide open with shock upon seeing me, beginning to water. I shook my head to dispel my own shock and began sprinting at her. The volume of the crowd rose, eager for the oncoming fight.

"Look at how bloodthirsty it is!" I heard one onlooker call, earning a few nods of approval. She began to run towards me as well, and our forces met in an explosive reunion. I wrapped my arms around her tightly in an embrace as she did the same to me.

All the roaring excitement of the crowd came to a halt, only confused gasps and disappointed sighs taking its place. The girl was a bit shorter than me and buried her head into my shoulder, and a wide smile crept onto my face as I heard a small sniffle.

"Amber? Are you crying?" I questioned, a teasing tone in my voice despite the facts that tears were brimming my eyes too.

"...Yes, you jerk," Amber grumbled playfully, releasing me, "Where have you been?!" I hummed, faking deep thought.

"Well, let's see…" I said slowly, counting on my fingers, "Yesterday was space, and the day before that was space too… this morning was space… and-"

She laughed, sighing with false annoyance, "Okay, I get it, you've got jokes. Space. The only place we've all been for a while."

I nodded, somewhat pleased with myself before I spoke, "Hey, where's Travis?" Amber opened her mouth to speak, eyes moving to something - or someone - behind me as strong arms suddenly encircled my waist from behind, lifting me into the air with ease. I gave an involuntary exclamation, kicking out my legs instinctively and thrashing. I froze as I heard a familiar, gentle masculine chuckle from behind me, turning in their arms to be met with bright green eyes and messy, short white hair. The tanned boy grinned up at me and spun me in a circle, causing me to giggle as I placed my hands on his shoulders to steady myself.

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