chapter 10

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Pidge's P.O.V.

I walked out of the dining room with Cyanizak following me by my side. There was a brief silence before she spoke.

"Thank you for showing me to the room I can stay in, Pidge," she said hesitantly, as if appreciation was foreign to her. I smiled and snickered a little bit.

"It's no problem. You're across from my room anyway. Plus, me leaving early to show you your room means that I don't have to worry about the dishes!" I revealed my ulterior motive evilly, smirking. Cyanizak turned their masked face to me and huffed half heartedly with something along the lines of amusement. There was a slightly awkward silence between us that followed.

I wonder? Would she be okay if I asked questions? I'm so quiznaking curious! This is ridiculous…

"So…" I started.

Wow, great start. Not further awkward at all.

"What?" she glanced in my direction, waiting for me to say whatever was on my mind.

"Do you really not remember your name?" I asked, trying to slow the flow of curiosity in my brain.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she snapped as if I was interrogating her. I quickly realized that that was exactly what she thought and I frantically waved my hands in front of my face.

"No, no! I- er, I didn't mean to ask it so suspiciously. I'm just curious as to the extent of your amnesia, that's all," I rushed to clarify myself.

"Oh," her voice had lost its defensive edge as she responded, "I really can only remember a year or two of my time on the Galra ship. Everything before that is just a blur." I cocked my head to the side.

That timeline doesn't match up with previous information she's given us. Strange.

"How did you know you were on the Galra ship for over five years then?" I questioned, confused and slightly suspicious. She shrugged slightly, looking away.

"Everyone said so. Spoke of it with such… such reverence and fear, too. That, and I vaguely remember marks on the wall. Tallies. There were lots and lots of them in my cell, but they just slowly started to trail off when I finally broke, I guess," she stated uncomfortably.

"Oh, sorry… I know it's a long stretch since you can't remember much, but… do you know anyone named Matt or Samuel?" I asked, hopeful. She seemed to think hard for a moment, humming quietly.

"Matt and Samuel… Matt… and Samuel…?" she murmured, tapping the area of her helmet around her temple. "Sorry, I can't say either of those names ring any bells," she finally replied. My shoulders sagged in disappointment.

Damn… where are you guys?

"Do those people mean something to you?" she asked me, curiosity tinging her voice. I nodded.

"Yeah, they're family. My mom's back on Earth, but my dad, Samuel, and my brother, Matt, are somewhere out in space. They were taken by the Galra with Shiro, but he escaped," I told her, my voice quiet and heavy with worry.

"Family? I wonder if I have a family. Well, everyone obviously has a biological family, duh, but I wonder who mine is, or maybe were," she pondered. It was almost startling how casually she said it, like the fact that she didn't know didn't bother her.

"You don't sound all that concerned," I pointed out, a little dumbfounded.

Cyanizak shrugged, speaking blankly again, "I can't miss what I don't remember."

I guess she has a point. She doesn't remember any of the emotions tied to her family, so she can't miss them…

"Huh…" I murmured, turning over the predicament in my head, "Don't you at least yearn to know who you are or used to be?" Cyanizak continued staring straight ahead as she walked, unbothered. There was always the possibility she was looking at me out of the corner of her eye, but with the visor of her helmet there was no way of telling.

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