chapter 7

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Keith's P.O.V.

Dull, (E/C) eyes stared into mine with a challenging look as I stared back in complete shock, my own eyes wide as I tried to study what I could see as fast as possible. I managed to catch a glimpse at Weaponized Project Cyanizak's pale skin through the open visor of the helmet, simultaneously noticing the heavy dark circles under their eyes.

They look... no way...

Just as quickly as the visor had evaporated it materialized, once again obscuring any of their face to me. They then released me, turning away sharply as I picked up my bayard, walking back to stand with the rest of the group. They began walking away, glancing back over their shoulder at me.

"Hope that gave you some insight, Keith. Think about it," they said, monotone as usual, before leaving the room. I stared after them, still a bit shocked as I turned to look at my teammates, who were giving me a questioning look.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I promptly walked out of the room after telling Keith off. I couldn't help but feel a little proud of myself for proving him wrong. I kept wandering down the hallways, making a few random turns as I thought, unknowingly stopping in front of a door as I sighed.

No, I shouldn't be proud. Revealing part of my face was stupid of me. Especially since it was just to prove a point...

My train of thought was broken by the door in front of me automatically sliding open, and I jumped a bit, startled, before hesitantly walking in. I looked around the spacious white room curiously, noticing an observation deck higher up, a weapon rack on one wall, and some sort of trapdoor in the ceiling. Then I realized, instantly facepalming.

Wow, how smart of me. To stomp off into a castle without even knowing where I'm going. Great, I'm lost...

"What is this place?" I asked no one in particular, voicing some of my thoughts aloud.

"Level eight activated," A robotic voice sounded suddenly, the hatch in the ceiling opening as some kind of robot fighter dropped down, holding a spear.

"What the-? Hey, I said," the gladiator bot charged at me quickly, causing me to jump out of the way, dodging desperately as I spoke, "place not eight! They- stop it- don't even rhyme!"

I blocked a hit from the spear with my prosthetic arm, looking at the robot and freezing up, eyes wide as my surroundings seemed to flicker between the white room and the dark hallways from the Galra ship. The robot in front of me morphed into a sentry running at me and my breath hitched in my throat. I was suddenly snapped out of the hallucination, more like flashback, when the handle of the gladiator bot's spear slammed into my side, throwing me against the wall. I hissed in pain, falling to the floor in a crouch.

That's definitely going to leave a bruise... lovely.

I rolled to the side as the gladiator bot jabbed their spear at the wall next to me, the robot standing over me. I growled, instincts kicking in as I lunged forward before I could be hit with the spear again, kicking off the wall and locking the gladiator's leg in a tight grip, my momentum continuing to carry me forward and pull the robot to the floor behind me. I quickly turned and rolled forward onto my knees, straddling the robot's back with it's leg still in my grasp, immobilizing it. The gladiator bot slashed at me with it's spear blindly, forcing me to release it and roll away into an awkward cartwheel in order to land on my feet facing it, fists in front of me in a fighting stance. The robot quickly recovered, jumping back up to stand before charging at me again.

I see... you want this to be a fight between mecha, huh? Well, I suppose I'll give you that.

I turned around, running away from the gladiator bot until I reached a wall, powering up my prosthetic leg to jump higher and backflip off the wall, landing smoothly on the robot's shoulders in a sitting position. The gladiator bot turned it's head as much as possible, stabbing at me with the spear and thrashing to try and dislodge me. I grabbed the spear with my prosthetic arm and leaned backwards forcefully, my legs locked around the robot's neck as I hung upside down, pulling the spear with me and breaking the metal arm out of place as I used the gladiator bot's own spear to stab it through the back. The robot fizzled and stopped moving, falling backwards. I quickly released my legs from it's shoulders, falling onto my hands into a fluent backward handspring, landing on my feet and watching as the gladiator bot disintegrated into light.

"Do you wish to begin level 9?" The robotic voice from earlier questioned suddenly and I looked up tiredly, eyes wide.

"Hell no...!" I managed to breathe out desperately.

"Level 9 cancelled." The robotic voice responded, and I sighed in relief.

At least here I get to choose whether I continue fighting or not...

I panted heavily, looking around cautiously before taking off my helmet, letting out my long, (H/C) and white hair. I kept my head down before jogging over to a wall, sitting under the observation deck and setting my helmet down beside me as I wiped the sweat from my forehead. I combed my fingers through my long, matted hair.

It's really long and messy... maybe I should cut it.

I sighed, pulling my knees to my chest and grasping my head in my hands, pressing on my temples as I tried not to think of how the room kept flickering into the Galra ship hallways.

It's not real... No, I'm here now, the Galra can't get me anymore... I've been so rude to my saviors though... I should apologize later...

I shut my eyes tightly, hiding my face in my knees.


Hunk's P.O.V.

I looked at Keith with a mixture of worry, shock, and curiosity. Keith seemed stunned as he looked at me and everyone else, as if he was trying to process what had just happened. Shiro placed a hand on his shoulder, looking at Keith with concern.

"What exactly just happened?" Shiro asked Keith gently.

Lance had his arms crossed, a small smirk playing on his face as he leaned to one side, "What? Did they kiss you or something?" Keith blushed slightly, startled by the question.

Wait holy crow? Keith is blushing?

"No! They did not kiss me, Lance!" Keith snapped, a little embarrassed.

"What~? I'm just saying, that looked a lot to me like the moment in the romance novels right before two characters fu-" Lance started, only to be cut off by Shiro.

"Language, Lance!" Shiro reprimanded sternly, giving Lance his 'dad look'.

"My point is," Keith said, rolling his eyes at Lance, "they were trying to prove a point."

"And what point was that?" Pidge asked inquisitively.

"That they're not a Galran spy," Keith responded.

"And how did they intend to prove that by shoving you against a wall?" Allura questioned, sounding doubtful.

"I think... I think they only wanted me to see," Keith answered, eyebrows furrowed.

"See what, exactly?" Coran interrogated, twirling his mustache.

"They wanted me to know that they weren't Galra. It worked, they're... they're definitely not Galra." Keith stated, as if he had realized something.

"How do you know? Wait... are you saying that they showed you their face?!" I asked, incredulous.

"They removed the visor of their helmet so I could see their eyes." Keith responded, nodding a bit.

"Really? What'd they look like? From what you could see I mean. Are they Galra? An alien?" Pidge questioned excitedly.

"Well they... from what I could see, they looked..." Keith answered hesitantly, as if he was struggling to believe something.

"They looked like what?" Pidge asked again, seemingly dying for an answer.

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