One of the daughters

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Do I really need to write an introduction to this? It's kinda self-explanatory as you wouldn't read this if you haven't watched the show 😂 I also feel like I rambled in the description so.....(but also don't count on me for historical dates and facts)
Enjoy x

6th May 1912
The car had inevitably broken down and Matthew insisted they walk up to their new house unaccompanied, he thought he might need a minute to arrive at Crawley house and remember that he is now the heir to the Earl of Grantham.
When he left Manchester, he knew he was leaving it behind forever but he didn't want to be shoved into a life of splendour and, subsequently, boredom.
As they arrived, they began to see the house his mother would spend the rest of her life in and the one he would live in as heir.
Crawley house was nice, beautifully decorated and perfectly structured, but however nice it was, it would take time to settle in.
Matthew was surprised when what looked like a butler and a maid greeted them, with a gardener behind.
"Good afternoon sir, ma'am" said the butler.
"Good afternoon" his mother replied in a friendly and uplifted manor
"We don't need a butler, or a maid for that matter" Matthew whispered quietly and unoticeably as the servants took hold of their things and journeyed inside.
"Matthew, it is your duty to inherit the earldom, when they don't even know you, so at least do them the favour of not being a complete revolutionary" she scolded tiredly.

Meanwhile at downton....
"I don't understand why you would even consider having a middle- class lawyer who, might I add, you have never met as the heir to downton and your fortune mama" Mary said exasperatedly, it all seemed completely unfair seeing as she was her father's eldest daughter and she couldn't inherit because of the stupid law of primogeniture.
"As you say, we haven't met him, and although I admit I do not like it all, you being shoved aside and your papa not doing anything about it, but we do have to give people a chance" her mother said calmly, but Mary just sighed and went down to the stable so she could be saddled and off to welcome the unwelcome guests....

About 30 minutes later at Crawley house, in the library...
Mary rode reluctantly up to the house and got off the horse to make her way to the front door.
"We have been invited up to dinner tonight and we are going, that is final, I know you would never shirk your duty so you might as well settle in" Isobel said decisively but with a kind smile she carried wherever she went.
"Alright, but I am not just going to skip in and pretend I have known them all my life, I need to be properly settled, AND before they, or you for that matter, get any ideas, I will choose who I marry!"
"What on earth do you mean Matthew!"
The words still don't reach into an argument but can still be heard from Mary's position in the corridor.
"Well they're clearly going to push one of the daughters at me! They'll have fixed on that when they heard I was a bachelor"
Mary chose her moment to walk in, announced by their butler, Mosley.
"Lady Mary Crawley" he pronounced
Matthew spun around and was frozen into the gaze of her deep brown eyes.
He blushed furiously with embarrassment  and shock.
"Lady Mary! What a surprise" Isobel broke the silence
"Oh, cousin Mary, please. Mama has sent me to make sure you are settling nicely" Mary replied
"Well, I'll make my way back then" Mary sighed
"No, stay for tea won't you?" Matthew asked desperately
"I think I should be going, after all, I wouldn't want to push in" Mary emphasised
She walked out abruptly.
"Cousin Mary, no, wait" Matthew chased apologetically.
She was already mounted on her horse and practically starting off.
"Please forgive me cousin Mary, I was only joking.
"Yes. I agree, the whole thing is a complete joke" she teased seriously.

Kind of short first chapter but a new one is coming super soon.

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