Chapter One: Late

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~Jon's POV~

No, no, no! I thought as bright colored flowers sped past my vision. I'm late, I'm so late! I sprinted through the back gardens, racing towards the castle. It started twenty minutes ago! I'm so dead! The bells on my hat jingled wildly and my lute bounced against my back. I kicked up gravel and dirt as I navigated past the lillies and into the rose garden. I came to a split in the path and skidded to a halt, the castle looming large above me. I looked around quickly before taking off down the path on my left.

I arrived at a fountain near a beautiful stone patio which lead to a few stairs and a pair of glass doors. I hesitated in front of the stairs, debating whether I should risk entering here or not. I saw someone pass by the doors on the inside and determined that I'd probably have a better chance of not running into anyone if I went in through the kitchen.

I ran around a few more hedges, hugging the castle wall until I came to a much smaller wooden door. I burst through it and was immediately greeted by the clatter of pots and pans and the aroma of spices, bread, and some sort of meat cooking. I didn't have time to take in anything else as I hurried through the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of bread off of a counter as I passed by, breaking off a part of it and taking a bite. I grabbed an apple and put it into my pocket then headed towards the door, only to jump at the sound of a strong voice calling my name.

"JON! What have I told ya about coming into my kitchen when you're covered in filth!" I turned towards the big figure of the head cook and smiled, quickly giving her a funny little bow and swallowing.

"Sorry Ms. Katherine, I'm just passing through!" I explained. "I need to get to the Common Room for the announcement!"

"I don't care where you're going, as long as you've got dirt on your cheek and sticks in your hair, you're not to step foot in my kitchen, understand?" She stood with one meaty fist on her hip, the other shaking a dough covered rolling pin at me.

"Yes Ms. Katherine!" I said, turning to leave.

"Oh, and if ya value your life, boy, ya ought to clean yourself up a bit before presenting yourself in front of the steward. He'll already be angry that you're late, he'll be even madder if ya show up looking like ya just crawled out of the woods."

"Thanks Ms. Katherine!" I called as I hurried from the room. I heard the cook muttering to herself as the door closed. I chuckled and stuffed the rest of the bread into my mouth. The cook was a kind lady, but extremely firm and she tolerated nothing but perfect order in her kitchen, a perfect order that she often claimed I disturbed.

My soft shoes slid against the freshly polished corridor floors as I narrowly avoided crashing into an expensive looking vase. I slowed down as I reached the heavy door of the servants common rooms. It was shut tight and I couldn't make out any voices on the other side. I stopped and bent down to rest my hands on my knees as I panted, red faced trying to catch my breath. I straightened up and readjusted my hat, trying to get it to cover my wild hair as I worked up the courage to enter. My only chance at avoiding a lecture, I thought, is sneaking in quietly. As long as no one notices me, I can pretend that I've been here the entire time!

Smirking at my ingenious plan, I placed my hand on the doorknob and quietly twisted it. I opened the door a crack and silently slipped in, closing the door behind me without a sound. Phew. I thought.

"Ah, Jonathan, how nice of you to show up." I flinched at the icey tone of the steward, head of the castle staff. Oh Mighty Seer, have mercy on me. I prayed before plastering a smile on my face and turning around.

"Mr. Baily! Funny seeing you here... in the Common Room... where you... called a... meeting..." I trailed off as I took in the almost entirely empty room. Mr. Bailey sat at the head of the table on the other side of the room, writing something on a piece of paper with calm, fluid movements.

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