Chapter 11: To Build A Racer. Part 01.

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Clay woke up the next morning, and saw the calendar on his phone, and realized it was already his birthday that day. Chloe came in with a tray full of cupcakes that are made out of wheat, and had scrambled eggs, and bacon pieces for toppings.

"Happy Birthday Clayton," Chloe said. "I hope this breakfast in bed will keep you up." "Thanks Ma," Clay said, and stretched after getting up. Chloe poured a glass of milk to go with the cupcakes. "Be sure to get dressed once breakfast is over," Chloe said. "Your stepfather's going to bring you to where he works to show you his gift to you." "I'll be sure to do that," Clay said. "Thanks again for breakfast, Ma."

"Nothing is too good for my favorite boy child," Chloe said. After finishing up his breakfast, Clay got together a red striped jacket, a white t-shirt, black jeans, and brown loafers. After pulling on his socks, and underwear on, Clay got the stuff he took out of his closet out, and then grabbed his phone, and TV watch before he left room.

After entering the kitchen, Clay saw that his grandfather was drinking tomato soup for breakfast, his little sister was having cereal, and his stepfather was having coffee, and toast. "Ah look, the birthday boy is already awake," Walter said. "Morning everybody," Clay said. "We missed you at dinner last night," Victor explained. "Yeah sorry, I was dating that blog owner, and apparently got exhausted from driving." "Well it's a good thing we saved you're leftovers in the fridge," Walter said. "You can microwave that for lunch, or have it for a snack later."

Clay sat down at the table with his family. "So, how was your date with Penny Walker?" Victor asked. "It was amazing," Clay answered. "We spent a lot of time at the Roadrunner Saloon. We played pool, rode a mechanical bull, and even got to see Alan Jackson perform." "Alan Jackson was playing that night?" Walter asked. "Now he was a talented singer back in the 2000's." "Well let's hope I listen to more 2000's country music," Clay said. "Well then I know what I'm getting you today," Walter explained. "Yeah, but before any other presents come to you, today we'll be going to where I work to reveal your surprise," Victor said. "Oh boy, I'm just sweating in disappointment already," Clay said.

"Victor, let's face it," Walter said. "Birthday after birthday of that boy's life, you've been giving him gadgets that fall apart every time you hand it to him. It's one of the reasons why we lost our original house, and moved to this mansion." "Well I might have messed up a lot in the past, but this time it will be different, and I'll make sure of that," Victor said, and drank more coffee. "Let's hope it's something that will help me with the NASCAR tournament," Clay said. "We'll be rooting for you if you start winning," Walter said. "We probably might be able to go and get Papa John's for dinner as well."


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