Chapter 45: Only The Beginning Part 04.

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After Victor came in, he covered most of the area in police tape, and wooden planks while the people outside the stadium were sitting around. "Well this was quite a disaster," Ricky said. "One minute you win, and then a bunch of robots come in, and kidnap your girlfriend, and wreck it."

"Yeah, it sucks to be me right now," Clay said. "On the contrary, Mr. Parks, you still won the tournament, so this belongs to you," Leonard said, giving Clay the trophy. "Thanks Mr. Leonard, but right now the only reward I need just got napped by the bastard metal heads we faced today, and I need to get her back," Clay said. "Well you're not thinking of giving your car away, are you?" Ricky asked. 

"Of course not," Clay answered. "That's why I need to come up with a plan in order to keep Penny alive, and my car." "Alright the entire area is secure," Victor explained. "Send a note to the construction crew to get everything repaired, and make sure not to go in once everything is fixed." "Request granted, Officer," Leonard said.

After Victor shook his hand, the judge left the area. "Never thought a police officer would come at the right moment," Ricky said. "Yeah, but this police officer is dressed exactly like you, only he's got lights on him," Ject agreed. "I made this suit during the two weeks before the tournament," Victor explained. "Let's just say, I'm a man of many inventions." "Wait, Vic?" Clay asked. "Were you expecting Elon Musk?" Victor asked. "Of course it's me, Clayton." "But what are you doing dressing like a police car?" Clay asked. "I thought I was the only one to use weapon keys."

"Well, your mother and I saw you on TV, and saw that you were under attack, so I just grabbed all that I needed, and hurried along with a spare battle vehicle of course," Victor said. "Your father son bonding is charming, but we have a problem now," Ject said. "Why, what happened?" Victor asked. "Other than Nemesis's goons trying to steal your son's car, and instead escaped and kidnapped his girlfriend, not much," Ject answered. "We need to get her back, but the robots working for Nemesis says that they'll free her if I give them my car," Clay explained. "And that's something I don't want to do." "Relax, dude," Ricky said. "Your stepdad is a scientist. He can just build you another one."

"Actually I can't," Victor explained. "The blueprints for the first battle car got lost at the building we escaped from, so you might want to say goodbye to the love of your life." "You mean I have to give up my car to save my girlfriend?" Clay asked. "I had this since my birthday, and I can't go back to doing time challenges at the school." "Clayton relax," Victor answered. "I won't let you give away your car. Besides, I have an idea." "Well let's make it work," Ject said. "The robots will be keeping her alive until mid dusk, and it's already 4.00 P.M." "We'll make time," Victor explained. "Just hear me out."


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