Chapter 26: Racing Chance Part 03.

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Clay got back in his car, and then checked to see if everything inside the car was okay. Not just making sure Clay had both keys, but also to see if the windshield was safe, and making sure there was enough air in the tires. 

"Alright, ignition key, check," Clay said. "Weapon key, check. Side mirrors, check. Pedals, check. And I'll fueled up as well. I'd say I'm ready for a test drive with the obstacle course, Mr. Leonard." "Good, just be sure to use as much horse power to make an overdrive after getting past every obstacle," Leonard explained. "Oh I'll show you how much horse power my car has," Clay said, and started the car, after putting the key in the ignition.

After Mr. Leonard opened the door to the obstacle course, Clay drove out of the garage he was in, and headed towards the flaming hoop. Once near the hoop, Clay went up the ramp, and drove his car through it, after landing back on the ground and drove to the next obstacle. Mr. Leonard smiled after seeing that Clay jumped through the first obstacle, and kept score.

Clay then made it to where the buses were lined up, and drove up the ramp so high, that his car flew over all five buses, and landed back down. Afterwards, Clay drove through the cylinder tunnel which had pop-up spikes inside, but he drove around the spikes, to avoid the tires getting popped. Finally after making it towards the tight rope over the shark tank, Clay leaned his car to the left, while the left wheels were driving along the rope, and he finally made it to the other side, and sat the car back on it's four wheels.

Mr. Leonard recorded all four of those obstacles, and as it was revealed, Clay got 20 points from each obstacle, making his test score 80. Finally after arriving at the finish platform, Clay stopped the cars engine. "You've done well, Clayton," Leonard said. "But you must realize that those obstacles I had you drive by, were only mere appetizers. Prepare for the main course." After pressing a button underneath his clipboard, Mr. Leonard sent out four white stunt cars, getting driven by robotic crash test dummies. "All you have to do is use whatever weapon you have against these vehicles, then you'll be in the tournament," Leonard said. "I must warn you though, these robots can't just drive, but they can also use weapons while they drive."

"You mean they'll start attacking, while they're driving?" Clay asked. "That's the point of the test," Leonard answered. "Now show me what you've got." As the test cars came towards Clay, he activated the Battle Cars weapon system, and drove towards the cars slicing down each and everyone of them, horizontally with the power saw blades, and the robot crash test dummies fell out, once the cars were destroyed. Clay turned off the weapon system afterwards, and the saw blades disappeared back into the car. "Excellent work, Clayton," Leonard said. "I got everything I need to see. Come back in." 


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