Rainy Day

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Request"Karlie and Taylor have a picnic somewhere, but it starts raining, and Taylor gets sad because their day is "ruined" but they have a cute indoor picnic."


   "You will be great at packing school lunches one day." Said Taylor as she pulled out the contents of the wood woven picnic basket. One by one she had pulled out peanut butter sandwiches, apples, bananas, and a few other things. Then she reached in and grabbed a bag of Karlie's favorite "health freak" chips, as she liked to call them, and tossed them to her with a light toss. "You're so weird." She mumbled under her breath before breaking into a small laugh.


    Karlie caught them, ignoring her comment as she did but a small smile broke thrrough and eventuall her tongue poked out, "Just look on the side." She pointed out before leaning back, her palms of her hands hitting the warm green grass as her bottom and legs stretched across a large white blanket.

    Taylor open the another flap to the basket before shooting a sly smile to Karlie, "When did you get this?" In seconds she was pulling out a bottle of wine. She looked it over as if it were to give her some sort of pleasure from just staring.

"Last night--but since I pack like a soccer mom.." Her slender fingers reached out, ready to grab the bottle of the wine as a punishment for her earlier remark. 

   "I like your soccer mom packing, it's not bad. I was just giving it a name." Taylor argued, raising her eye brows and pulling back away from her reach--which was far considering her arms could have reached just as long as her legs it seemed. 

   "Bullshit." Karlie called her out before smiling.

   "Thank you." Taylor said with a cheeky grin. As she grabbed a contraption to open the bottle from the side of the basket there a small wet drop that hit her wrist. Her blue eyes looked around, then to Karlie only to see her focused on opening up some of the containers. 


   "Did you feel that?" she asked, but Karlie simply shook her head, throwing it off as sweat from the wine glass. 

After a minute of talking and slipping sweet comments another drop hit and in a matter of seconds it was as if the shy had opened up and God himself released a bucket of water. It started out slow and quickly sped up, drenching everything in it's path.

   "Shit..." Karlie mumbled as she quickly started throwing everything into the basket. Taylor did the same while rambling on, on how the weather had been forecasted to be clear and sunny.

After making it to their car and throwing everything in the back they started home where Taylor checked the weather on her phone. 

   "Babe it's fine, really." Karlie assured her as she looked past the wipers of the window, slashing water off on either side. "we can still have one." she said, not sure herself how that was possible with the weather.


    "How?" Taylor sounded defeat and her expression seemed hopeless.

    "I don't know...we can just have one inside." The brunette shrugged. She the thought for a minute, "We'll get dried off, clear out the living room and finish it there. 


   "Taylor, it's. Okay." Karlie repeated herself for the hundredth time as her blonde girlfriend walked out of the bedroom in Karlie's over sized sweater and leggings. 

      "I know.." she sighed, giving a small smile. She'd planned out the day for a week now, knowing it was their only break from anything work related. The rain had ruined it and she knew it would be a whole month or so before both of them had any kind of break from their busy schedules. 


    "Come here." she cooed, reaching out her long arms for the blonde to come over to her on the couch. As she did Karlie gently pulled her hands until she straddled her. 

"Stop worrying about it," Karlie said just loud enough for her to hear.

  "Make me." she pouted.

"You're so stubborn when you want to be." She said before leaning up to kiss her lips.

 Taylor talked against her lips, "We've had this planned for--" Karlie pushed forward, kissing her a bit harder to keep her quiet. The blonde giggled against her lips before wrapping her arms around her neck and pulling her down onto the couch so they laid side by side. Their lips stayed on each other for a few more seconds before Karlie finally pulled away, "Let's set it up, I'll go get a dry blanket if you want to get the food from the basket." She insisted as she looked into the blonde's baby blue eyes. When the girl gave a sly smile Karlie furrowed her eye brows but smiled, "What?"

 "Mmm..." She hummed, "I like this better, Karls." With that she pecked her lips a few more times before the kisses lasted longer and their hands became more curious.   

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