She Wouldn't Be Gone (Mature)

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(This drabble is based on a plot I actually have on tumblr, so that's why their names are changed. Karlie's name is Ally and Taylor's name is Audra. Ally and Audra live in small town La Porta in a town where everyone knows everyone and everything. Ally comes from a broken family and slipped into the prostitution business while Audra is a sweet girl who has fallen for someone most people want her to get away from. The setting is in their small, run down apartment, around town, and such. And just a side note, I wont post anymore this week even though I will probably write more but not post it. I don't want to be that writer who you roll your eyes at but sometimes it's nice to get a comment or two. It keeps me writing and when no one comments it's like working hard on something, putting it out, and everyone just looks at it and walks by. So with that bein said I'm probably going to make a point to not update for a few days. With that being said, I'll leave it with a drabble that I actually spent a lot of time on. And if you are bothered by smut or anything sexual then don't read any further.)


“She warned me it was coming, Said if I didn’t change she was leaving. I just didn’t believe she would ever really walk out. God I believe her now."

  "Audra, I'm home." Ally's voice traveled through the tiny apartment before tossing her keys to the counter, causing a loud clanking noise. She threw her coat over the back of a small wooden chair by the table that barely fit two people. Left overs from the night before of a shrimp scampi sat in a Tupperware only causing the blonde to scrunch up her nose and causing creases on her usually flawless skin on her forehead. Ally was a vegetarian and Audra was the cook with a thing for any type of fish, yet here sat her packed lunch, perfectly sealed and not removed from the night before. 

 "Audra?" Ally called out again, holding the refrigerator door open still as her hazel eyes looked to their back bedroom, "Audra?" She called yet again but her voice was no where to be heard. Not even the shuffling of covers or the sound of the TV made a sound. The place was silent, too silent, enough to make the hairs on the back of the woman's neck stand up. Her hand loosely left the door of the fridge as she walked back to the room. Her steps were slow because something in her wanted to know if a life besides her own was in the house but at the same time she feared; she wasn't sure what the fear was until she opened the door. Her eyes scanned the room and stopped at the dresser in front of the only window in the room. Audra's presence sent a flash back in her mind. The image of her asleep soundly on the bed burned in the back of her mind and the moon light slipping pass the dresser and lighting up a strip of her face was enough to make her crave her. The flash back stopped and her eyes scanned down the drawers which looked as if someone had unloaded all of its contents as if a contest had been called for it. 

 "Audra..." She barely whispered as her hand slipped off the door knob and her feet sprung her to the bathroom, her things were gone. The stupid flat iron she used to straighten her naturally,curly,beautiful hair was gone. Her make up she never truly need was now an empty counter space, and lastly her fluffy pink robe that always hung from the back of the door; now just an bare hook. Ally left the room and peered out into the kitchen once again, as if her girlfriend would be standing in the kitchen, packing her lunch for the next day of work and maybe even glaring at her. She didn't care, she could be screaming a her and it would have been more comfortable then the absence of her at their apartment. 

"Called her momma, Cried like a baby to her best friend, If they seen her they ain’t saying, They ain’t saying. Now I’m cursing like a fool, Praying it ain’t too late, All I wanna do is fix my mistakes. Find her, beg her, for one more try, until then damnit I'll be driving like hell flying like crazy down the highway, Calling everyone we know, stopping any place she might be,Going any place she might go. Beating on the dash,Screaming out her name at the windshield, tears soaking up my face.If I had loved her this much all along, maybe, maybe, yeah maybe She wouldn’t be gone.”

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