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I just wanted to write something cute because I've had this idea and it won't leave me alone until I get in on here. So here...have something cute. :))


  Karlie sat on the comfy couch of her and Taylor's apartment, sipping a glass of fresh wine she had picked up on her way home, after visiting her parents. Taylor had flown to Paris, two days before, leaving her with their three year old Ally. Her flight had landed almost forty minutes ago according to their last call and she was more than anxious to have her wife in her arms once again. 

 She stretched out her long, sweat pants covered legs, resting them on the coffee table and caught up with the news, something Taylor would forever give her a hard time, and this caused her to smile a bit more. However over the course of a few weeks everything seemed to be a repeat with the threat of Ebola and ISIS still frightening many around the country. Just when she was ready to take a sip from her glass there was a shriek, and a screaming of bloody murder, causing a splash of red wine to hit Karlie's white V-neck and poor Olivia to go dashing off the couch. 

 "Shit.." She swore under her breath before quickly setting down the glass. The blonde quickly made it to her feet and paced back to where the earlier scream had come from. Light poured into the dark room of Ally's bedroom as she gently pushed open the cracked door. 

 "Ally?" She made her way in a bit more and her eye brows furrowed when she saw her eyes a puffy pink color, scattered tears coming down her small chubby cheeks, and her arms out reached. "Hey, hey it's okay." She cooed as she made a few swift movements over until she landed herself a seat on the edge of the bed. Usually a set of guard rails would have kept her from doing so but Taylor just convinced her to take them off and Ally had been so proud of her now "big girl bed". 

 "It took it," The girl mumbled as more tear rushed down her sweet face, "It took it, mommy."
 Karlie furrowed her eye brows again, cupping her little girl's cheeks and using her thumb to swipe away her tears, and hoping it would become soothing, "What took what, sweetie?" She asked, having no clue as to what the three year old had become so upset about.

 "Mr.Wabbit," Karlie smiled a little at her difficulty to pronounce a lot of words, "He fwell, a-and," The girl stuttered, still sniffing as she tried to calm down, "And the monster took it." 

 Just then the sound of the front door opening sounded and it slammed, Taylor was home. She knew better than to call out at this time of night, so she wasn't surprised when later she had searched each room until she found the two them, Ally wrapped up in Karlie's arms. 

 "What's going on?" 

 "Mr.Rabbit fell," Karlie explained as she looked around her ankles, ready to see a white, floppy stuffed Rabbit on the floor. Taylor walked over, a small smile now on her face at the mention of Mr. Rabbit. It had been a gift to Ally the day she was born from Karlie's gran, and it had been through a lot with the three year old. 

"Where's he go sweet heart?" The singer asked, bending over and a running her hand around under her chin and up to her cheek, "Hmm?" She hummed.

 "Monster twook him," The smaller girl had finally calmed down but her voice was still weak and upset, "He weached his paw out a-and he takes him."

 The word paw put the missing puzzle piece in and suddenly it dawned on Taylor. She chuckled knelled down on the floor before peering under the bed. Right there, staring right back at her were Meredith's green eyes that shimmered in the dark. Just in front of her laid the floppy bunny. "Mer," She said in a disapproving tone, as if the cat knew better. She grabbed it and popped up with it, "Look!" She gasped, "Here he is!" Her jaw dropped, as she put enthusiasm into the finding her the smaller girl. Karlie grinned as Ally perked up and giggled. Her small hands quickly grabbed it and cradled it under her chin. 

 "What do you say?" Karlie whispered into the little blonde's ear. She blushed and gave a smile, "Thank you mommy."

 "You're welcome baby girl," With that she kissed her cheek, leaving a rosy patch of lip stick stain on her soft skin, "I missed you and mommy a lot." Her voice was a little bit more high pitched when she talked to the smaller child, causing Karlie to smile even more. "Alright, it's late and you need sleep." Her motherly voice was back in tact as she hooked her hands under her arms and gently moved her back to her pillows, and tucked her in. Ally smiled and kissed them both before snuggling back up to her bunny. 

 When both women made it back out to the kitchen Karlie wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist and pulled her against her hips. A small giggle released form Taylor's lips, "Mer is a monster huh?" Karlie said softly, "See what happens when you're gone?"

 "I'm not here to get in the way as you clean the house from top to bottom? Or the part where you've probably banned Ally from eating chicken nuggets the entire time I was gone just because you knew she couldn't sucker me into making her some?" 

 Karlie pretended to think, "Hmm.." She teased, "Both." She smiled from ear to ear before placing soft kisses on her neck. Taylor let out soft little moans and tilted her head her head to give her wife more access to her neck. Her eyes caught sight of the wine bottle and she smiled, "Mmm...Have a glass of wine with me and then call it a night?" She asked. 

  Karlie's lips slowly peeled away from her skin, "Deal."  


I love writing children into fanfictions they're adorable. omggg. Okay so quick shout out to a few people: recklessride, sheeeranism, sweeeet-disposition, louis-ocean (I think that's right but I can't remember. You know who you are tho!), swiftspromise (GO READ SAVING KARLIE BECAUSE IT'S MY FAVORITE), Swiftie13pb, and Taylors_boyfriend. As always, thank you for reading, voting, and commenting. I love every single one and you all are amazing. <333

Kaylor DrabblesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora